December 2007

December 27, 2007 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - December 27, 2007
Episode #41 - It's the final episode of This Week in Defunct Games for 2007. But don't worry, Defunct Games' weekly look at what's new in retro games will return in 2008 with (hopefully) 52 more weeks of games on ...

December 25, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
The Big Boss Battle
Episode #34 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 34) - On the final day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we look at the granddaddy of all video game cliches, the big boss battle! It's the one cliche on this list you'll se...

December 24, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Red Exploding Barrels
Episode #33 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 33) - On the thirty-third day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we talk about one of the biggest cliches of them all, the red exploding barrel. I don't know about you, but ...

December 23, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #81 - It's the weekend before Christmas, a time when you're traveling home, shopping for last minute presents or just trying to avoid all of the bad weather and headaches. If you're one of those people who...

December 23, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Episode #32 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 32) - On the thirty-second day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we go old school and talk about leaderboards. I guess leaderboards aren't old school anymore, especially now...

December 23, 2007 Review - CD-i
Review: Christmas Crisis
Just in time for Christmas, it's Defunct Games' full review of Christmas Crisis for the CD-i! In this 2D action game you play Santa, the deliverer of toys (and coal), on a quest to take down the evil...

December 22, 2007 Review - Neo Geo
Review: World Heroes
While not the most original fighting game of the 1990s, World Heroes does have a certain charm. The graphics are good, the controls are competent enough and there's an interesting cast of characters....

December 22, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
You Need Swimming Lessons
Episode #31 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 31) - On the thirty-first day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we try and figure out why no video game character seems to be able to swim. What's that about? These ch...

December 21, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
A Case of Amnesia
Episode #30 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 30) - On the thirtieth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we get a bad case of amnesia and forget what we were going to say. In fact, why are we even writing on this webs...

December 20, 2007 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - December 20, 2007
Episode #40 - Can you believe that there are only two more Thursdays left in 2007? That means that there are only two more episodes of This Week in Defunct Games left before we transition into a brand new yea...

December 20, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Kane & Lynch is a good idea that is plagued by poor controls, unbalanced weapons, a boring story and some questionable writing. That's not to say that you won't have a good time playing through this ...

December 20, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
The Cops Forgive & Forget
Episode #29 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 29) - On the twenty-ninth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we go undercover and discover why the cops like to forgive and forget. It doesn't matter what game you're pla...

December 19, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
The One Vehicle Rule
Episode #28 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 28) - On the twenty-eighth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we get used to the one vehicle rule. That is, if you're playing a role-playing game then chances are you're ...

December 18, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: John Deere: Harvest in the Heartland
What can I say? Farming is no fun. You have to get up early, you are constantly getting dirty, you have to deal with unruly animals and it can be a thankless experience. In other words, it suc...

December 18, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Respawning Enemies
Episode #27 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 27) - On the twenty-seventh day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we jump on a respawning enemy. And because it respawned we have to jump on it again. And again. And again...

December 17, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Manhunt 2
While this is hardly the best version of Manhunt 2 on the market, it does make me wonder if we might start to see some of Rockstar's bigger (and better) games on the Nintendo Wii. Manhunt 2 is a good...

December 17, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Celebrity Cameos
Episode #26 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 26) - On the twenty-sixth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we become star struck from a celebrity cameo. Just like the movies and TV shows, video games tend to bring in...

December 16, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Invisible Walls
Episode #25 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 25) - On the twenty-fifth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we fight in the invisible wars. What's that? Oh, I meant to say, we look through invisible walls. If y...

December 15, 2007 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Bloody Wolf
Bloody Wolf was a first-generation TurboGrafx-16 game, but don't hold that against it. This is yet another one of those action games where you kill a small army in order to save the President. The o...

December 15, 2007 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Blazing Lazers
Some may argue that the TurboGrafx-16 has too many shooters. But not us, we feel that it's a solid system with dozens of rock solid 2D shooting games. Blazing Lazers is one of the best, it features ...

December 15, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #80 - It's the exciting return of the Weekend Update! Every weekend we "try" and offer four reviews of classic games. Unfortunately my schedule and the emphasis on the 34 Cliches of Christmas feature have...

December 15, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Dimensional Portal
Episode #24 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 24) - On the twenty-fourth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we jump into the nearest dimensional portal. I'm not sure why, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. ...

December 14, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Bee Movie Game
Believe it or not the Bee Movie Game is actually a fun little game that does an excellent job of recreating everything that was good about the recent Dreamworks movie. It doesn't do much groundbreaki...

December 14, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Blood & Guts
Episode #23 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 23) - On the twenty-third day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we hold our nose when talking about blood and guts. These days it's hard to find an M-Rated game that isn't f...

December 13, 2007 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - December 13, 2007
Episode #39 - It's one week closer to the end of the year and that can only mean one thing, it's time for another episode of This Week in Defunct Games. This is the show where we take a look at the best and worst ...

December 13, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Our Mute Hero
Episode #22 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 22) - On the twenty-second day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we try and get some answers out of our mute hero! Don't you hate it when somebody is talking to you but you ...

December 13, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Virtua Fighter 5 Online
Released six months after the PlayStation 3 version, Virtua Fighter 5 proves to be an even better game on the Xbox 360. Not only are the graphics as good as they can be, but the game sports some of t...

December 12, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: TimeShift
TimeShift has a great concept that should have added something new and original to the crowded first-person shooter genre. Unfortunately Sierra's newest action game is marred by a boring story, an ea...

December 12, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
The Lethal Melee Attack
Episode #21 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 21) - On the twenty-first day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we take a stab at the lethal melee attack. You know the one I'm talking about, it's the one where you hit the...

December 11, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Tomb Raider: Anniversary
After a decade of depressing sequels and lame movies, it's finally good to be a Tomb Raider fan again. Although it is nowhere near as exciting as Tomb Raider: Legends, Anniversary is still a solid ad...

December 11, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
The Tutorial Mission
Episode #20 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 20) - On the twentieth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we hone our skills in the tutorial level. That's right; it's the level before the game starts where you learn th...

December 10, 2007 On Running Feuds
Are We No Better Than Jack Thompson?
Episode #138 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 138) - After almost two weeks of non-stop controversy, maybe it's time to step back from the Jeff Gerstmann controversy and take a deep breath. In our 138th episode of the On Ru...

December 10, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Rock Band
Rock Band is as incredible as it sounds. It's a big box full of great music, cool instruments and more fun than you can imagine. While not as solid as a single-player game, the game's multi-player e...

December 10, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Elemental Magic Attacks
Episode #19 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 19) - On the nineteenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we question the use of the elemental magic attacks. We've already established that you can't throw fire from yo...

December 09, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Random Dungeon Layout
Episode #18 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 18) - On the eighteenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we get lost because of the stupid random dungeon layout. Talk about a lazy, nobody likes it when you let the co...

December 08, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Our Hero's Smart-Ass Attitude
Episode #17 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 17) - On the seventeenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we take a look at one of the most annoying game cliches of all time, our hero's smart-ass attitude. Regardless...

December 07, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
With its strong track list, fun celebrity cameos, exciting multiplayer modes and interesting story, Guitar Hero III is a must buy for anybody who loves to jam at a fake plastic guitar. You won't find...

December 07, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
You Got Your Life Back!
Episode #16 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 16) - On the sixteenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we take a look at the extra man phenomenon. That is, you die and then are brought right back to life because you...

December 06, 2007 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - December 6, 2007
Episode #38 - It's yet another Thursday and you know what that means, it's time for another look back at a simpler time when women were women, men were men and Madonna wasn't a crazy child adopting washed-up singer...

December 06, 2007 Hardware
Sandio 3D Game O'2 Mouse
Episode #3 - Today Alan brings us the review you've all been waiting for. That's right; I'm talking about the Sandio 3D Game O'2, the "next-gen" three dimensional mouse that puts all others to shame. Okay, I'll ...

December 06, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Where'd You Get that Gold?
Episode #15 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 15) - On our fifteenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we prove once and for all that regardless of what you've already heard, you do not get money for killing wild ani...

December 05, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: Namco Museum Remix
Namco Museum Remix is easily one of the most perplexing games of the year. It tries to draw you in with the promise of new versions of classic games, but these "remixes" tend to be complete wastes of...

December 05, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
The Fire/Ice Level
Episode #14 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 14) - On our fourteenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we decide to tackle one of the biggest cliches of all time, the fire/ice level. Now don't get me wrong, I have ...

December 04, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Ack!! The Hero's Village Was Destroyed!!
Episode #13 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 13) - On our thirteenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we find out what happens when our entire village is destroyed. Will we try to rebuild or try and get revenge...

December 03, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Games With Accessories
Episode #12 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 12) - On our twelfth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas and we're finally tackling the important issue of video game accessories. While not a cliche in the strictest sens...

December 03, 2007 Reviews au Courant
Review: WordJong
WordJong is a modest game, a simple puzzle game that does only one thing ... but does it very well. There's a lot to love in Destineer's newest portable puzzle game, including a fantastic multiplayer...

December 03, 2007 Recapped
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! Nov. 2007 Edition
Episode #28 - You just spent all night camping outside of a Best Buy to save a few hundred dollars on a brand new HDTV, you are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that CNET fired Jeff Gerstmann over a...

December 02, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
Women Are Completely Helpless
Episode #11 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 11) - On our eleventh day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we wonder why all of the video game women need rescuing so much. Is there a logical explanation, or are all of th...

December 01, 2007 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #27: Legendary - The Box
Episode #27 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...

December 01, 2007 34 Cliches of Christmas
What's With This Ammo Lying Around?
Episode #10 - 34 Cliches of Christmas (Day 10) - On our tenth day of the 34 Cliches of Christmas we try and figure out why there's all this extra ammo lying around. No seriously, shouldn't there be a janitor or so...