May 2005

May 30, 2005 Guerilla Scrapbook
The Gizmondo Sees the Future of Work
Episode #37 - Been thinking about getting a Gizmondo? If so, then chances are you've been dying to try out the hot new game Momma, Can I Mow the Lawn? We at Defunct Games we weren't happy with just bringi...

May 29, 2005 Review - Sega CD
Review: Panic!
Panic is the type of game that won't make sense no matter how many drinks you have. It's the type of product that is less game and more of an abstract attempt at art. It's very odd indeed, but not s...

May 29, 2005 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Street Fighter Alpha 3
One of the best fighting games of all time has invaded your Dreamcast and Cyril gives you a number of reasons why you need to pick it up. If you've ever enjoyed a Street Fighter II game then this may...

May 28, 2005 Review - Neo Geo
Review: NAM 75
No time for those flashbacks, it's time for you to try out NAM 75, the type of action game you don't see anymore. Inspired by Cabal, NAM 75 gives you a mix of non-stop action with non-stop action. B...

May 28, 2005 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Another Capcom classic finally comes home on the Dreamcast. See why the three on three battles do everything to change up the game play and strategy of the familiar Street Fighter game play. Learn w...

May 25, 2005 On Running Feuds
Leaving Los Angeles
Episode #58 - Los Angeles is a great place to visit! There's nothing quite like going to the big city for a convention, concert, or TV show taping. But it's not the most exciting video game locale, despite what any...

May 24, 2005 On Running Feuds
Square-Enix Circles Around their Loyalties
Episode #57 - Square Enix is one of the best known video game makers on the planet, with plenty of popular franchises to keep them in business long after we've used our last Pheonix Down. But Square is also well kn...

May 23, 2005 Freeze Frame
The PS3 - Now With More Spidey Sense
Episode #54 - Notice anything odd about the recently announced PlayStation 3? Perhaps the strange control, the ability to plug in two TVs, or even the large amount of memory options. Or maybe you're like us an...

May 22, 2005 Review - Virtual Boy
Review: Vertical Force
Is Vertical Force that fabled Virtual Boy shooter that is actually worth your time? Perhaps, that's why Ferry is back with one of the last reviews for Nintendo's forgotten portable. Find out wh...

May 22, 2005 On Running Feuds
Gizmondo Proves to be Advertiser Friendly
Episode #56 - This year's E3 brought us a lot of innovative products, but a few seem to have slipped through the cracks. Join Defunct Games as they take a look at the Gizmondo, a portable gaming device that has a s...

May 22, 2005 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Splatterhouse
In a world before a rating system there was this disgusting game inspired by every horror movie you've ever seen. Splatterhouse may not attempt to be much more than a guilty pleasure, but it was one ...

May 21, 2005 Review - Sega CD
Review: Night Trap
Cyril takes a look at one of the most controversial games of all time. Find out what Night Trap is, what it did for the industry, and what it means for you in this lengthy review-slash-history lesson...

May 21, 2005 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: Guardian Heroes
Darryn takes a look at yet another classic Treasure game, a title that most people have all but forgotten. It's Guardian Heroes, a game that spawned a terrible Game Boy Advance sequel a few years ago...

May 19, 2005 On Running Feuds
A Yearly Reminder about Annual Sequels
Episode #55 - There are always a lot of sequels at E3, it's just part of the fun of the gaming industry. But this year it seems like we're being over run by annual sequels, games that seem to show up every year lik...

May 15, 2005 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Hidden & Dangerous
Patrick has a few choice words about Hidden & Dangerous, but he's going to wait until it's a little safer before he comes out of the shadows. But all joking aside (if that's what you want to call it)...

May 15, 2005 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Toy Commander
Frank takes a look at one of the Dreamcast's creepiest games around, Toy Commander. Shrink down and control a whole world of whimsical toys. How fun does that sound? Okay, I get it, but this i...

May 14, 2005 Review - Sega CD
Review: Mortal Kombat
Why is Mortal Kombat CD one of the most unnecessary games of all time? Because it's exactly the same thing has the Genesis version, only it came out a year later, offers nothing new and features...

May 14, 2005 Review - N64DD
Review: F-Zero X Expansion Kit
One of the Nintendo 64's most exhilarating racing games finds a friend in the F-Zero Expansion Kit. Join Ferry as he walks you through the ins and outs of this crazy little add on. Is this worth the...

May 12, 2005 Reviews Au Courant
Review: NARC
In the world of NARC it's fun to take drugs and shoot hundreds of people, unfortunately in the real world no part of Midway's updated NARC is fun. Just say no!...

May 11, 2005 On Running Feuds
The Final Word on Movie Endings?
Episode #54 - Whether it's with new bosses or extra goons to battle, most games based on movies take liberty with the original story. But what happens when you knowingly decide to rewrite the movie's ending? S...

May 08, 2005 On Running Feuds
A Puzzler of a Problem for EGM
Episode #53 - Shane over at EGM doesn't like Lumines, and he's going to let you know that every month it seems. But don't worry, we're not going to make fun of Shane for being so unfair. We're here to show him (and...

May 04, 2005 Pop-Up Video Game
Knowledge is Sexy in Dead or Alive Volleyball
Episode #36 - There are fewer games sexier than Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, perhaps that's the reason we've decided to make it our 36th Pop-Up Video Game! Find out what kind of sexy knowledge you can le...

May 04, 2005 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Phantom Dust
Phantom Dust is the sleeper hit of the year, with fast paced action and in depth strategy. No matter what kind of games you like, chances are you'll find something to love in this $20 masterpiece....

May 03, 2005 On Running Feuds
GamePro Meets the MSX for the First Time
Episode #52 - Just when you though GamePro couldn't be more ignorant, they decide to go ahead and forget all about the MSX while writing the history of Metal Gear. Defunct Games tries to explain how forgetting such...