June 2016

June 30, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Steredenn
While not especially original, Steredenn is an action-packed throwback shoot-em-up with roguelike elements. Finally available on the PlayStation 4, this shooter has a lot of cool weapons and stages, b...

June 28, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Full Mojo Rampage
Full Mojo Rampage has a lot of fun with its voodoo gimmick, giving players a fast-paced roguelike adventure. While the dual-stick shooting isn't especially original and the difficulty spikes at the ve...

June 27, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Knee Deep
If you've ever wondered what Twin Peaks would be like if it took place in Florida, was loaded with pop culture references and was actually a stage play with a live audience, then Knee Deep is the game...

June 24, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Heart&Slash
Heart&Slash is one of those rare games where practically every element of the game is working its hardest to ruin the fun. From horrendous camera problems to terrible gameplay to enemies that are too ...

June 23, 2016 Defunct Games Vs.
Sonic the Hedgehog in 16-Bits: Magazine Reviews From the 199...
Episode #21 - Sonic. Tails. The scientist formerly known as Dr. Robotnik. They're all together and celebrating Sonic the Hedgehog's 25th birthday. To help celebrate what I'm sure will be a speedy anniversary; we're...

June 23, 2016 Review - Genesis
Review: Sonic Jam
Tom Lenting celebrates Sonic the Hedgehog's 25th anniversary by reviewing Sonic Jam, the curious compilation on Sega Saturn. Released at a time when Sega was shifting from the 2D classics to 3D train ...

June 21, 2016 Bonus Levels
Help Us Make The Adventures of GamePro Series!
Episode #117 - Defunct Games needs your help! We're looking to recreate The Adventures of GamePro comic strip as a long-form episodic internet play. I would like to use different voice actors, the music from the gam...

June 19, 2016 Online Pass
Online Pass: The E3 2016 Wrap-Up Quiz
Episode #19 - This is Online Pass, the video game news quiz. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories to come out of E3 2016. From EA's bone-h...

June 17, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Between Me and The Night
Part point and click adventure game and part side-scrolling action game, Between Me and The Night is a compelling journey that loses its way from time to time. The game has a deliberate pace that may ...

June 17, 2016 Up To Date
This Week in Reviews: June 17, 2016
Episode #3 - Not even the industry's biggest trade show was going to keep Defunct Games from posting reviews. Because of a new game lull, we were forced to dig through the backlog and cover games we missed along t...

June 16, 2016 Online Pass
Online Pass: The E3 2016 Microsoft Press Conference Quiz
Episode #18 - This is Online Pass, the video game news quiz. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories to come out of Microsoft's E3 2016 press...

June 15, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: 1917 - The Alien Invasion
1917 - The Alien Invasion is a fun but basic vertical shoot-em-up inspired by the hits of the early 1990s. While it's short and doesn't do enough with the time period, the price is right and the boss ...

June 14, 2016 Online Pass
Online Pass: The E3 2016 Sony Press Conference Quiz
Episode #17 - This is Online Pass, the video game news quiz. My name is Cyril Lachel and I'm going to ask you a series of questions based on some of the biggest news stories to come out of Sony's E3 2016 press conf...

June 13, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Neverending Nightmares
While it never fully lives up to its potential, Neverending Nightmares does have a few great horror moments and several satisfying endings. It's also drenched in atmosphere, giving off the impression ...

June 10, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Demetrios: The BIG Cynical Adventure
With a name like Demetrios: The BIG Cynical Adventure, you might expect an epic quest brimming with cynicism. Unfortunately, this brand new point and click adventure game holds back. While it's occasi...

June 10, 2016 Up To Date
This Week in Reviews: June 10, 2016
Episode #2 - The entire industry may be gearing up for E3, but Defunct Games is focused on talking about brand new video games. This was a strong week for video game stories, as all three of the games we reviewed ...

June 09, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: prog.1
Despite having a compelling story and cool cinemas, Prog.1 is a fairly standard 2D platformer that is over too soon. Some of the twists and turns are interesting, but I wish there was more to the game...

June 08, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: The Way
Even though it suffers from a few frustrating puzzles, I was so wrapped up in the look and the story that I was able to overlook some of the imperfections. The Way offers an emotionally satisfying jou...

June 03, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Zenodyne R
Despite good intentions, Zenodyne R fails to capture the shoot-em-up magic of the 1990s. The gameplay and level designs are fine (if not a bit basic), but the whole thing is sunk by an onerous unlock ...

June 03, 2016 Up To Date
This Week in Reviews: June 3, 2016
Episode #1 - This was a huge week at Defunct Games! If you have complained that we don't cover enough epic console adventure games, then this was your week. We started it off with a look at Anima: Gate of Memories...

June 02, 2016 Defunct Games Vs.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tetralogy: 1990s Game Critics W...
Episode #20 - Leonardo. Donatello. Michelangelo. Raphael. That guy from Arrested Development. They're all back and ready to kick some Krang in the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. To help celebrate what I...

June 01, 2016 Reviews au Courant
Review: Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Gamers who don't connect with the story may find the experience too repetitive and overlong, but those who love 2D brawlers and these colorful characters will find a lot to love in Odin Sphere Leifthr...