Chuckie Egg II by Pick & Choose - Cover Review

What the hell is going on in this cover art? No, seriously, I've been looking at this piece of "art" for a good fifteen minutes and I can't make out what the heck is going on. So, apparently this guy is an egg ... yet his color is a disturbing skin color and he has skinny arms and stubby legs. And even if he is an egg, he is certainly the ugliest egg I've ever seen. Let's forget for a moment that he looks more like a weird round man with no genitalia or fashion sense, Chuckie Egg has to deal with having his facial features placed at random. Let's see here, his mouth is where his belly button should go, his eyes are huge and cross-eyed, and his arms are coming out of his ears. I don't know about you, but I think this guy is in the wrong game; perhaps it would make more sense for him to be part of the Mutation Nation ... er, Horny and MC Hammer. And we haven't even started talking about the fact that his big red nose is right in the middle of his eyes, if that doesn't paint him as a freak then nothing will.

But let's forget for a moment that Cuckie Egg looks more like a human that had an egg forced into their body, let's actually try and figure out what the heck is going on in this cover. Apparently Chuckie Egg is afraid of this gigantic radioactive spider (who was clearly mutated from the same batch of goo that got to that giant dog in Ultimate Duck Hunting and the four armed woman in Horny and MC Hammer). And I don't blame him, that spider is large and fierce! But is that a spider web it's walking on, or some sort of bars? Clearly there's a ladder and a building, so it's not that Mr. Egg is really small, so it must be that the spider web is just HUGE. So does that mean that Chuckie is stuck to the web, or is he falling trying to escape the spider? I don't know about you, but neither of those options sound like much fun, we already know what happens when eggs fall from great heights, and that spider sure does look menacing. But you know what, at the end of the day I really don't care what happens to this round dude. Call me shallow, but I actually don't mind if this ugly character falls to his death. Breaking into a million pieces can't be any more disturbing than that face.