Dynamite Dux by Activision - Cover Review

What a long, strange journey it's been for Activision. Recently Activision surpassed Electronic Arts to become the world's largest video game publisher, a feat that just a few years ago nobody thought was possible. Thanks to games like Call of Duty 4 and Guitar Hero III, Activision has been forced to hire more people just to count all the money they have pouring in. But you would never know it based on Dynamite Dux, this bizarre Commodore 64 game from the late 1980s. One look at this cover and you would feel confident that this is one company that is going nowhere.

Dynamite Dux is so ridiculous that I almost didn't use it in this episode of The Cover Critic. For one thing the whole box is horribly drawn; it's as if they just had some random guy in the office draw a rough sketch and they decided that was good enough. While the current generation has some truly horrific cover art, none of it is as bad as this amateurish drawing. But even if this cover had the most amazing artwork you had ever seen, it would still feature two ducks punching dog heads with lit sticks of dynamite. Forgetting for a moment that they are punching dog heads ... actually, no, let's not forget that. I'm sorry, but I can't get over the fact that we're looking at two ducks punching decapitated dog heads. And apparently that's not the only kind of animal these ducks don't mind killing, they are literally standing on a pile of dead animal carcasses, including what looks like a pig, an alligator and a cat. And again, they are fighting it out with lit sticks of dynamite. That's dynamite, people. The same dynamite that goes boom and blows everything up. It's not much of a game if both of you are going to die because the dynamite wick just isn't long enough. Activision, you have a lot of explaining to do!