Frog Master by Commodore - Cover Review

If you could be the Frog Master and teach your amphibian friends how to do anything what would you have them do? Would you teach them to steal money undetected so that you'll never have to work another day in your life? Would you teach them how to get revenge on all of the people that made fun of you in high school? Or would you do something even more sinister than that? If you're the artist on Frog Master the video game then you would teach your frogs how to play football. Seriously, football? Of all the exciting things you could teach a frog to do, why would you teach the frog to play football? It's not like there's not enough football already on TV, and even if you do run out of NFL games to watch you can always switch over to a video game (or the NFL Network). But that's not enough for this guy, apparently his dream is to see Kermit jump down the field going for a touchdown. If that's not a sign you need therapy then I don't know what is.

But I'm willing to go with this game's silly premise, I've certainly played a lot of games with weird characters (anybody remember Steg the Slug?). But football playing frogs seems like a bit much. For one thing it doesn't even seem practical, how does a frog kick for a field goal? And is there a frog quarterback that defies nature and passes the ball? Do the frogs do a little celebratory dance when they've scored a touchdown? It all just seems so impractical, of all the sports why on earth would they choose football? That's not to say that frog baseball makes any more sense, but there has to be a sport that a frog can excel at. Of course, if you're the Frog Master then you can just create your own sport. Heck, you can be the first to be arrested for frog fighting. You're going to be famous, son. Everybody is going to know that you are the Frog Master, the man that threw his life away to see two fierce frogs fight to the death. What have you become? I expected more from the Frog Master, I expected more.