Brat by Imageworks - Cover Review

To paraphrase Sarah Palin: What's the difference between Brat on the Amiga and all of those terrible Bratz products? Lipstick. Apparently when you have a game looking at prepubescent girls dressing up in slutty Sex and the City costumes and shopping you have to add a "Z", but when you're just some homie letting his ass crack hang out you can drop the ridiculous spelling and just be a "Brat". Either way, this cover is absolute garbage. I've never been a huge supporter of kids (I personally don't believe they are our future) and this cover just prove my deepest, darkest fears. The last thing I want is some leather-clad, baseball hat-wearing, necklace rocking, gun wielding kid drooling all over the place.

Something I hate even more than kids is their inattentive parents. Hey mom and dad, do you see anything wrong with the things your toddler is playing with? Like, maybe you should let him hang out with lit dynamite. That certainly doesn't seem like a good way to keep your kid in one piece. And maybe you shouldn't let your kid play outside the next time there's a meteor storm. And while we're looking at all of the dangers, why does it look like all of the vehicles are out to get this kid? It's not just cars, but also an airplane. This kid looks like a handful, are you sure this is the kind of kid you want to keep around? Then again, if he's playing with dynamite and playing in a meteor storm then chances are he isn't long for this earth.