April 2014

April 30, 2014 Review Crew
Bad Dudes: What Did Critics Say Back in 1989?
Episode #36 - Review Crew #36 - The President of the United States of America has been kidnapped by a gang of evil ninjas, who are you going to call? If you're Data East, you send in the Bad Dudes! Based on th...

April 30, 2014 Review - Atari 2600
Review: Porky's
Of the hundreds of movies published by 20th Century Fox, you have to wonder why Porky's. What started as a teenage sex comedy has become a video game, though not a very good one. See what Adam Wallace...

April 29, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This is How Link Dies in The Legend of Zelda
Episode #15 - Rest in Pixels #15 - After conquering the 2D platforming market with Super Mario Bros., Nintendo visionary Shigeru Miyamoto turned his focus to an overhead adventure game full of dungeons, dragons and...

April 28, 2014 Review Crew
Shinobi III: What Did the Critics Say in 1993?
Episode #35 - Review Crew #35 - Joe Musashi is back for one final 16-bit adventure. Today we're looking at Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master, one of my favorite games for the Sega Genesis. It's an action-pack...

April 25, 2014 Review Crew
Super Street Fighter II: What Did Critics Say in 1994?
Episode #34 - Review Crew #34 - Four Street Fighter II games in three years? Sure, why not. This is Super Street Fighter II, the almost-final revision of the popular arcade series. It adds four new characters,...

April 24, 2014 Next Generation Uncovered
Next Generation #6 - Graphics to Die For
Episode #6 - Next Generation Uncovered #6 - Long before joining the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Karen O was ... on the cover of Next Generation? Okay, so it's not the Academy Award-nominated singer on this cover, but yo...

April 24, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This is How Boomer Dies in Ballz 3D!
Episode #14 - Rest in Pixels #14 - Released just as 3D fighting games were starting to gain traction, Ballz is a quirky 16-bit game where brawlers are made up of, well, balls. It looks cool and all, but Ballz is di...

April 24, 2014 Review - Super NES
Review: Fighter's History
You can call it a cheap rip-off all you want (Capcom did, leading to a lawsuit in the 1990s), but Jed Pressgrove argues that Fighter's History is one of the best Street Fighter II wannabes of the era....

April 23, 2014 Review Crew
Street Fighter II Special: What Did Critics Say in 1993?
Episode #33 - Review Crew #33 - A year after hitting the Super NES, Ryu, Ken and the rest of the World Warriors were ready to make the jump to the Sega Genesis. Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition brought a...

April 23, 2014 Review
Review: Star Wars: The Arcade Game
It's Adam Wallace Wednesday, which means that it's time for another trip back to the far reaches of the game industry. Today he's taking a look at Star Wars: The Arcade Game for the Atari 2600. How do...

April 23, 2014 Reviews au Courant
Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
Konami's newest Castlevania sequel is marred by repetitive gameplay, terrible stealth missions and an uninteresting story that overstays its welcome. On the other hand, the game's final act and incred...

April 22, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This is How Ken Dies in Street Fighter 2010!
Episode #13 - Rest in Pixels #13 - Years before Guy and Cody made a surprise appearance in Street Fighter Alpha, there was another game that merged Final Fight with Capcom's mega-popular one-on-one fighter. That ga...

April 21, 2014 Review Crew
Street Fighter II: What Did Critics Say in 1992?
Episode #32 - Review Crew #32 - Arguably the biggest third-party exclusive of the 16-bit era, Street Fighter II did to the Super NES what Final Fantasy VII would later do for the PlayStation. Not only was it the bi...

April 18, 2014 Review Crew
Gunstar Heroes: What Did Critics Say in 1993?
Episode #31 - Review Crew #31 - Who needs Contra when you can play Gunstar Heroes? Created by a group of former Konami developers, Gunstar Heroes came out of nowhere and raised the bar for 2D shooters on home ...

April 17, 2014 Next Generation Uncovered
Next Generation #5 - Ultra 64: The Story So Far
Episode #5 - Next Generation Uncovered #5 - For a console intended to make the 1995 holiday season, not much was known about the Nintendo 64 (then known as the Ultra 64). Although it had been announced nearly two ...

April 17, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This is How Pac-Man Dies!
Episode #12 - Rest in Pixels #12 - Long before Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog and Crash Bandicoot, there was Pac-Man -- the world's first video game mascot. Originally released in October of 1980, Pac-Man quickly ...

April 16, 2014 Review Crew
Pilotwings: What Did Critics Say in 1991?
Episode #30 - Review Crew #30 - If you're going to launch a system, you better have games that show off its power. Pilotwings was Nintendo's secret weapon for the 16-bit Super NES. It did what the Genesis couldn't,...

April 15, 2014 Nintendo Power Uncovered
Nintendo Power #39: August 1992 - Mario Paint
Episode #39 - Nintendo Power Uncovered #39 - After yesterday's episode of Review Crew, I was eager to dig into this week's Mario Paint-enhanced issue of Nintendo Power. If any cover is going to bring back the creat...

April 15, 2014 Rest in Pixels
See the Red Baron Die in Sky Kid
Episode #11 - Rest in Pixels #11 - Look, up there in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane, is it ... oh, it's just a plane. Actually, it's the Red Baron and Blue Max, the stars of Sky Kid. After a successful run in...

April 14, 2014 Review Crew
Mario Paint: What Did Critics Think in 1993?
Episode #29 - Review Crew #29 - After the lackluster launch of the Super Scope in 1992, Nintendo was eager to try out another intriguing accessory -- a standard computer mouse. While not exactly a conventional game...

April 11, 2014 Review Crew
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: What Did the Critics Say in 1993?
Episode #28 - Review Crew #28 - Everybody knows that Sonic the Hedgehog was a hit with critics and consumers alike. Electronic Gaming Monthly said the Genesis game was better than Super Mario World and the 16-bitte...

April 11, 2014 Bonus Levels
HELP WANTED: Defunct Games is Looking for Voice Actors!
Episode #114 - Are you somebody who likes to act? Do you own a quality microphone? Are you reading this right now? Then you may be the person we're looking for! Defunct Games is looking for friendly p...

April 10, 2014 Next Generation Uncovered
Next Generation #4 - Atari Jaguar: Pussycat?
Episode #4 - Next Generation Uncovered #4 - Admit it; you've started to lose faith in Next Generation Uncovered. The first three covers have been disappointing; with the highest rating cover scoring a mere B-. Sur...

April 10, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This is How Mega Man Dies!
Episode #10 - Rest in Pixels #10 - Sick of game franchises with annualized sequels? You can blame Capcom for that, as they milked the most out of Mega Man sequels on the Nintendo Entertainment System. But back...

April 09, 2014 Review Crew
Sonic CD: What Did the Critics Say in 1994?
Episode #27 - Review Crew #27 - For years, Sonic CD was considered the lost game in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Originally released on the Sega CD, this Sonic sequel sold well on a system that almost nobody o...

April 08, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This Is How Ryu Hayabusa Dies in Ninja Gaiden!
Episode #9 - Rest in Pixels #9 - Think Ghouls 'N Ghosts is unfair? Then clearly you haven't played Ninja Gaiden, one of the trickiest action games to hit the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. It's your typ...

April 07, 2014 Review Crew
Sonic the Hedgehog: What Did the Critics Say in 1991?
Episode #26 - Review Crew #26 - After striking out with Wonder Boy and Alex Kidd, Sega needed a mascot character that could finally take on Super Mario. What's more, the Genesis needed a game that could challenge N...

April 07, 2014 Who Wore It Best?
Who Wore It Best: Sonic the Hedgehog Edition
Episode #2 - Who Wore It Best #2 - It's Sonic the Hedgehog week at Defunct Games! To help honor the once-great platforming hero, we're going to take a look back at the early years of Sonic the Hedgehog magazine co...

April 04, 2014 Review Crew
Flashback - The Quest for Identity: What Did Critics Say in ...
Episode #25 - Review Crew #25 - You just woke up in the middle of a futuristic jungle with a bad case of amnesia. It sounds like you're playing Flashback: The Quest for Identity, the 16-bit action game that set the...

April 03, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This Is How Sir Arthur Dies in Ghouls 'N Ghosts!
Episode #8 - Rest in Pixels #8 - Known for its punishing difficulty, Ghouls 'N Ghosts still haunts the nightmares of old school gamers. But beyond its reputation, this 16-bit stunner was considered the first must-...

April 03, 2014 Next Generation Uncovered
Next Generation #3 - Does PlayStation Live Up to the Hype
Episode #3 - Next Generation Uncovered #3 - After teasing us with Virtua Fighter 2 and the promise of online gaming, Next Generation finally gets around to a next generation console. Here it is, the Sony PlayStati...

April 03, 2014 Reviews au Courant
Review: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
True to its name, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is an upgraded port one of the best Final Fantasy games of all time, and its much less interesting sequel. Jabs at Final Fantasy X-2 aside, this compi...

April 02, 2014 Review Crew
Ninja Spirit: What Did the Critics Say in 1990?
Episode #24 - Review Crew #24 - Ninja games were a dime a dozen in the early 1990s. But even with so much competition, Ninja Spirit managed to stand out from the crowd. It's not just that this TurboGrafx-16 title w...

April 01, 2014 Rest in Pixels
This Is How Albatross Dies in Rolling Thunder!
Episode #7 - Rest in Pixels #6 - When a secret religious cult kidnaps your girlfriend, what do you do? If you're Albatross, you go on a killing spree. This is Rolling Thunder, the popular action game starring...