May 2012

May 31, 2012 Review - NES
Review: RoboCop 3
Were there people clamoring for a third RoboCop game on the Nintendo Entertainment System? Ocean does a bang-up job showing gamers why movie tie-in games are almost always a bad idea. But maybe...

May 31, 2012 Countdown w/ DGC
Fifteen E3 Cliches Journalists Must Avoid
Episode #77 - With the entire media corps gearing up for E3, it's time we have a serious talk about how to cover video gaming's biggest week. I'm tired of reading the same boring E3 coverage year after year, I wa...

May 30, 2012 Cyril Reads
Cyril Reads Metal Gear (Ch. 12)
Episode #45 - Snake is more than half way through his mission. So far he's battled a pack of wild dogs, survived a spiked death room, rescued the survivors and located the head of the kidnapped Snake Men. Not bad f...

May 30, 2012 Review - Game Gear
Review: Terminator 2: The Arcade Game
He said he would be back! Continuing our week-long look at Terminator and RoboCop games, we're bringing you Terminator 2: The Arcade Game. Who knew this Game Gear product could be so much fun? ...

May 29, 2012 Review - NES
Review: RoboCop
Detroit is in trouble and only RoboCop can save the day. This 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System game has the action down, but can't quite connect with RoboCop's humanity. Also, the bad graphics an...

May 29, 2012 Defunct Games Vs.
Defunct Games vs. Sega Vintage Collection
Episode #14 - Suddenly Sega decided to get serious about supporting their 8- and 16-bit games on the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation 3. While Sega had dabbled in Genesis releases in the past, this past week saw t...

May 28, 2012 Review - Sega CD
Review: The Terminator
Gamers are given a better understanding of Kyle Reese's army days in The Terminator for the Sega CD. Unfairly passed over as just another movie game, Virgin's adaptation goes the distance to be a roc...

May 28, 2012 Recapped
RoboCop vs. Terminator Week
Episode #30 - The Terminator and RoboCop are two of the biggest names in 1980s science fiction action. Both spawned sequels, comic books and video games. This week Defunct Games is bringing these two powerhouse cha...

May 25, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - May 25, 2012
Episode #194 - If it's Friday, it's This Week in Defunct Games! What's this, two weeks of 3DS Virtual Console updates? Nintendo finally gets the memo and releases Game & Watch Gallery 2. Sony, on the other h...

May 23, 2012 Cyril Reads
Cyril Reads Metal Gear (Ch. 10 & 11)
Episode #44 - Solid Snake has been captured! Thankfully he's found a way out of jail, but he's on a mission to collect his gear, find the doctor and defeat Metal Gear. This week he goes head-to-head against two b...

May 23, 2012 Review - Game Boy
Review: Amazing Penguin
Forget Happy Feet, this penguin doesn't need to sing and dance to be amazing. This Qix clone offers gamers an addictive action/puzzler with a compelling hero and plenty of interesting level designs. ...

May 22, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Dragon's Lair
Dirk the Daring deserves better. After playing through the Xbox Live Arcade port, Cyril decided to give the 8-bit NES version of Dragon's Lair a whirl. What he found was a terrible action game with ...

May 21, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
Did you hear that Jackie Chan is done making action movies? To honor the City Hunter's spirit, Cyril has decided to give Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu a look. What starts as a solid action/platf...

May 21, 2012 Reviews au Courant
Review: Dragon's Lair
With its Don Bluth animations and movie-quality production values, Dragon's Lair is the best looking game of the 1980s. Unfortunately, in order to look so good the game had to make a few sacrifices. ...

May 18, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - May 18, 2012
Episode #193 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we have two very, very different games. Up first we're looking at Kirby's Block Ball for the Game Boy. If that's not enough for you, we foll...

May 18, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Battleship
Could this Nintendo Entertainment System version of Battleship be as bad as the movie? Cyril seems to think so. With no multiplayer mode and a repetitive story mode, Battleship is a mess. Find...

May 17, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Wrath of the Black Manta
Is it Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi? It turns out that Wrath of the Black Manta is a little of both! Taito isn't afraid to steal good ideas, turning this 1989 action game into the Frankenstein's Mons...

May 16, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Darkman
What could have been an interesting idea for a 2D action game is reduced to one of the worst platformers imaginable. Perhaps Darkman is better suited for the cinema than the Nintendo Entertainment Sy...

May 16, 2012 Cyril Reads
Cyril Reads Metal Gear (Ch. 8 & 9)
Episode #43 - After spending seven chapters collecting guns, missile launchers, grenades, mines and ammo, Solid Snake is about to go all First Blood on these terrorists. Or is he? It turns out that the autho...

May 15, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Dragon Power
Jerry punches a sword-wielding bear in the balls repeatedly to bring you his review of Dragon Power. Based on Dragon Ball, Dragon Power is an NES game with a lot of problems. Traverse the world look...

May 14, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
The Hyperstone Heist definitively proves that not every Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles adventure is worth going on. With its mishmash levels, incoherent story and recycled boss encounters, this Genesis...

May 14, 2012 Instant Expert
Five Oversized Facts About Shaq Fu
Episode #5 - Instant Expert (Ep. 5) - Chances are you have been told to stay away from Shaq Fu. But do you know why? What makes this game so reviled by historians? In today's episode of Instant Expert...

May 11, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - May 11, 2012
Episode #192 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we're getting a double dose of Wonder Boy adventures. Up first it's Monster World IV, the long-unreleased action/adventure game from 1994. ...

May 10, 2012 Freeze Frame
Is Zooey Deschanel the New Solid Snake?
Episode #87 - The Freeze Frame (Ep. 87) - I expect a certain level of ridiculousness when it comes to reading Worlds of Power books. Between the Bionic Commando fighting an octopus and Ryu Hayabusa getting shot by ...

May 10, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Fighting Masters
Fighting Masters has a good story, interesting characters and a few cool visual effects, yet it fails miserably at being a fighting game. This pre-Street Fighter II brawler has a hard time finding it...

May 09, 2012 Cyril Reads
Cyril Reads Metal Gear (Ch. 7)
Episode #42 - Solid Snake is back for another episode of Cyril Reads Metal Gear! This week Solid Snake does battle with a large spiked death trap and computer puzzle. How will he avoid getting squashed? Will...

May 09, 2012 Review - Game Boy
Review: Motocross Maniacs
Have you ever played Trials Evolution and wished it was in black and white? Would you like the game better if it featured microscopic graphics and only eight courses? If so, then Motocross...

May 08, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Bio-Hazard Battle
Insects, bugs and flying meatball sperm? Yeah, Bio-Hazard Battle is that kind of 2D shoot-em-up. Sure it suffers from a lot of the cliches of the genre, but that doesn't stop this Sega shmup fr...

May 07, 2012 DGC On Demand
Remixing YouTube: Thoughts on Black Ops 2
Episode #22 - DGC On Demand (Ep. 22) Gamers around the world took to YouTube to voice their opinions of the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 announcement trailer. Unfortunately, they weren't worth listening to. To prove...

May 07, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Shufflepuck Cafe
Some say it looks like air hockey, but Tom says Shufflepuck Cafe is a "semi 3D Pong clone." No matter what you call it, this Nintendo Entertainment System port is fun. Find out what Tom Lenting thin...

May 07, 2012 Reviews au Courant
Review: Chuck E. Cheese's Arcade Room
Chuck E. Cheese's Arcade Room is a painful collection of four mediocre mini-games and an out of place racer. The dated graphics and questionable design decisions aren't helping anything. With only t...

May 04, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - May 4, 2012
Episode #191 - If it's Friday then it's This Week in Defunct Games This week we have a game on both the Virtual Console and PSone Classic store. Up first it's Super Hang-On, the classic Sega racing game. If that's...

May 04, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Captain America and the Avengers
Captain America leads some of the Avengers into battle in this disappointing Genesis game. Data East packages in a lot of familiar faces, interesting locations and repetitive gameplay in Captain Amer...

May 03, 2012 Bonus Levels
Hands On: Cowlitz 2012 Classic Video Game Expo
Episode #106 - Last weekend the Defunct Games crew jumped in a car and drove to Kelso, Washington. That's where the Cowlitz Gamers for Kids 2012 Classic Video Game Expo was held, and this is our full report. We su...

May 03, 2012 Reviews au Courant
Review: Mortal Kombat
Confusion over the name aside, Mortal Kombat on the PS Vita is a must-own for any fighting game fan. Not only does it have all of the amazing content from last year's stellar console release, but it ...

May 03, 2012 Review - Game Boy
Review: Iron Man/X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
Think Iron Man 2 is bad? Wait until you see the short cuts Acclaim had to take in order to port Iron Man/X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal to the Game Boy. This terrible action game pushes Nintendo's ...

May 02, 2012 Cyril Reads
Cyril Reads Metal Gear (Ch. 5 & 6)
Episode #41 - Solid Snake is back for another episode of Cyril Reads Metal Gear! This week Solid Snake has finally made it inside Outer Heaven. Is it time to shoot the place up? No, not exactly, but a lot of...

May 02, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: The Incredible Hulk
HULK SMASH!! You would think that making a game about an indestructible force with an anger management problem would be simple, but Probe doesn't quite deliver in The Incredible Hulk. Cyril ripped h...

May 01, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Captain America and the Avengers
Join Captain America and Hawkeye as they travel across the United States in this generic action game. Captain America and The Avengers tries hard, but it doesn't have what it takes to hold your inter...