June 2012

June 29, 2012 Reviews au Courant
Review: Jeremy McGrath's Offroad
With unspectacular graphics and only six courses, Jeremy McGrath's Offroad is hard to recommend. Ultimately the solid gameplay can't overcome a short campaign mode and uninspired events. Worse yet, ...

June 29, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
This is the apex of Shinobi, one of Sega's very best Genesis games. As it turns out, this would be Joe's final adventure. This long-running franchise may have had a few ups and downs over the years,...

June 28, 2012 Reviews au Courant
Review: The Walking Dead - Ep. 2: Starved for Help
Not only is Starved for Death a great episode, but it also shows that The Walking Dead has more to show us than just zombie fighting. There's a story here that is unlike anything I've seen in a zombi...

June 28, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja
In the past 30 years of gaming, players have taken control of space ninjas, animal ninjas, undead ninjas and even alien ninjas. With so many silly variations, I don't know why I'm having a hard time ...

June 27, 2012 Review - Game Boy
Review: Ninja Gaiden Shadow
50% Ninja Gaiden, 50% Shadow of the Ninja and 100% action. Ninja Gaiden Shadow slashes its way onto the portable scene with this exciting (albeit confusing) action game. Matthew Clarke gets to the b...

June 26, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Zool: Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension
There are a few interesting ideas sprinkled throughout Zool, but this ninja comes up short in almost every way possible. What we're left with is a frustrating action game with a character I didn't ca...

June 26, 2012 On Running Feuds
Is Dan Howdle Against Game Preservation?
Episode #186 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 186) - Did you know that there are people who are actually against game preservation? And not just anybody, but somebody who is the editor for a major video game magazine. ...

June 25, 2012 Review - Master System
Review: Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Every good ninja needs a loyal dog, or so Shadow Dancer suggests. This Sega Master System port promises HUGE characters and non-stop action, but doesn't quite deliver. Find out what Defunct Games' n...

June 25, 2012 Recapped
Wrath of the Ninja Week
Episode #34 - Psst. There's a ninja behind you! Of course you didn't hear him sneak in, because he's a ninja. He's a silent killer, and you're his next victim. SO TURN AROUND! Oh, phew, there wasn't actually a...

June 22, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - June 22, 2012
Episode #198 - If it's Friday, it's This Week in Defunct Games! Up first we're looking at Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES), the rough and tough sequel to one of the most influential beat-em-ups of all time. If ...

June 22, 2012 Reviews au Courant
Review: Inversion
Inversion is yet another derivative third-person shooter with a gimmick. This time around you control gravity in the most limited way possible. Although there are plenty of strong moments, the game ...

June 22, 2012 Review - Game Boy
Review: Revenge of the 'Gator
Revenge of the 'Gator is HAL Laboratory at its best, offering charming characters and exciting action. The gameplay is strong and the game moves faster than most 8-bit pinball games. But you don't ...

June 21, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Pinball Quest
Pinball Quest doesn't quite work; it's full of design issues and physics problems. But even at its worse, there's something endearing about Pinball Quest. This is a game that really tries to be uniq...

June 20, 2012 Cyril Reads
Cyril Reads Metal Gear (Ch. 13)
Episode #46 - After infiltrating Outer Heaven, saving the captured Snake Men, escaping incarceration and surviving the moving bridge, Solid Snake has finally discovered the truth. He wasn't supposed to have this k...

June 20, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Dragon's Revenge
Dragon's Revenge doesn't quite hit the same highs as Devil's Crush and Jaki Crush, but it does offer enough thrills to make it worth seeking out. There aren't many games like this, even in a day and ...

June 19, 2012 Bonus Levels
This Half-Year in Defunct Games: 2012 Report Card!
Episode #109 - 2012 hasn't been kind to everybody. For whatever reason, this year has been especially mean to the old school video game download services. I'm talking about the Virtual Consoles and PSone Classics. S...

June 19, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Pinball
Pinball may not be an impressive game by today's standards, but you can see what Nintendo was trying to accomplish with this 8-bit title. Is the game so dated that it's impossible to have fun? ...

June 18, 2012 Reviews au Courant
Review: Armored Core V
Armored Core V is big, explosive and full of good ideas. Too bad the game is nearly incomprehensible. Thankfully the game's strong online component and roughly one hundred levels make up for some of...

June 18, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Crue Ball: Heavy Metal Pinball
Crue Ball was originally called Twisted Flipper. EA wanted to partner with MTV's Headbanger's Ball. Unfortunately that's not what happened and we're left with Crue Ball, the one and only Motley Crue...

June 17, 2012 Recapped
The Week of Too Much Pinball
Episode #33 - This weekend I'm putting in a fair amount of time playing Zen Studio's upcoming Pinball FX2 expansion pack, Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles. As a result, I've been bitten with the pinball bug, wh...

June 15, 2012 Review - NES
Review: M.U.L.E.
M.U.L.E. is a little rough, even for an old school NES game. The graphics aren't much to look at and the game does a horrible job of letting you know what's going on. However, if you can get past th...

June 15, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - June 15, 2012
Episode #197 - If it's Friday, it's This Week in Defunct Games. This week Nintendo brings us two more action games, both for their home consoles. Up first it's Mega Man X2 (Super NES) on the Wii Virtual Console. ...

June 14, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Klax
Klax is a great puzzle game that could have been a whole lot more. It's an addictive puzzler with an interesting visual style. Best of all, it kind of looks like Rock Band ... and I LOVE Rock Band! ...

June 14, 2012 Guerilla Scrapbook
Lifetime Remakes Your Favorite Games
Episode #58 - There is nothing worse than a Lifetime original movie. Between demonizing men and stereotyping women, these low-budget movies end up helping nobody. Recently Lifetime opened up their archives for th...

June 13, 2012 They Said WHAT?!?
The Man Who Dared Question Metal Gear
Episode #44 - Solid Snake junkies the world over have every reason to be excited, and not just because we're half way through Cyril Reads Metal Gear. As it turns out, Konami chose this week to launch Metal Gear So...

June 13, 2012 Review - Sega CD
Review: Hook
Hook isn't a bad action game, but it's also not very original. Unfortunately it's the disappointing source material that ultimately brings this Sony ImageSoft game down. But you don't have to take m...

June 12, 2012 Review - NES
Review: NARC
Forget about maturely tackling this country's complicated drug laws, Midway decided to turn NARC into an ultra-violent action game full of blood and guts. Was this the right move? Find out when...

June 12, 2012 DGC On Demand
The Happy Console Gamer Gets to the Point
Episode #23 - DGC On Demand (Ep. 23) - Last week fans of the Alien franchise took to their local movie theaters to make Prometheus the number one movie in the country. It was such a big hit that even video game cri...

June 11, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Zoop
Zoop feels like a cynical attempt to cash in on the sudden success of Tetris, Columns and Dr. Mario. Unfortunately, most of those puzzlers had peaked years earlier, leaving Zoop to compete in a world...

June 11, 2012 Defunct Games Vs.
Defunct Games vs. E3 2012 Game Revivals
Episode #15 - Defunct Games Vs. (Ep. 15) - Between the 15 minute long demonstration of Wonderbooks and Microsoft unveiling SmartGlass, there wasn't a whole lot at E3 2012 that caught my eye. Just as I was about to...

June 10, 2012 Recapped
A Week Full of Four Letter Words
Episode #32 - Last week we hid in terror as aliens attacked from all sides. Thankfully that won't be the case when we look at A Week Full of Four Letter Words! These are five of the most diverse games you'll ever...

June 08, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - June 8, 2012
Episode #196 - If it's Friday, then it's This Week in Defunct Games! It's a week full of swordplay! Up first we look at The Last Blade, one of SNK's very best fighting games. If that's not enough, we're also digg...

June 08, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Alien Soldier
Treasure returns with the ultimate action game. Alien Soldier stacks you against 25 of the ugliest bosses in the galaxy. And did I mention that you blow up a planet at one point? Find out what...

June 07, 2012 Freeze Frame
A Fake Alien Game for a Fake Alien Movie
Episode #88 - The celebrate the launch of Prometheus, Defunct Games is taking a look at fake Alien games that used real Alien imagery. It turns out that a lot of games have "borrowed" the H.R. Giger's alien design...

June 07, 2012 Review - SuperVision
Review: Alien
No chest bursting, face hugging or acid blood. This is not that kind of Alien game. Instead we are given a generic 2D shooter, complete with uninspired power-ups, minimal levels and sluggish control...

June 06, 2012 Review - Game Boy
Review: Alien Olympics 2044 AD
We continue our trek through space with yet another non-ALIEN game. Today it's Alien Olympics 2044 AD for the Game Boy. This Track & Field clone has all the right moves, but can it really win gold...

June 06, 2012 Guerilla Scrapbook
Capcom Packs E3 Press Kit with On-Disc DLC
Episode #57 - Guerilla Scrapbook (Ep. 57) - On-disc DLC, online passes and DRM? What the hell is going on with this year's E3 press kits? Defunct Games investigates the growing trend of major game compa...

June 05, 2012 Review - NES
Review: Alien Syndrome
Tengen offers a competent, if unspectacular, port of an arcade hit. Alien Syndrome may not look like much, but the simple gameplay and fun shooting mechanic makes this easy to recommend. Plus it has...

June 05, 2012 A Brief History of Gaming
The Good Old Days of Press Packets
Episode #24 - With E3 officially starting today, we thought it would be fun to look back and some of the best press packets from E3 and the Consumer Electronics Show over the years. From Sega's rock-infused box to...

June 05, 2012 On Running Feuds
Hey Sony, What Happened to the PS Vita?
Episode #185 - Despite featuring exciting first-looks to some of their biggest titles, there was something missing from Sony's E3 2012 press conference. Instead of propping up the PS Vita, Sony opted to spend most ...

June 04, 2012 Fight the Future
Fighting the E3 2012 Mysteries
Episode #8 - Will Nintendo announce launch games for the Wii Up? Will Sony be able to convince gamers to buy a PS Vita? Will Halo 4 work without Bungie? I have so many E3-related questions to ask...

June 04, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: Alien Storm
There's nothing worse than an alien storm, unless you're playing the Genesis game of the same name! Alien Storm is more than just a sci-fi tinged Golden Axe rip-off; it's a genuinely fun two-player b...

June 04, 2012 Bonus Levels
Fifty Shades of E3 2012
Episode #108 - It's that time of the year again; time to drop everything and make a trek to southern California for the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). This is something of an off-year, with no system an...

June 03, 2012 Recapped
A Week of Non-ALIEN Games
Episode #31 - We're back with another themed week! For the next five days we will be looking at five different ALIEN-themed video games. But don't get too excited, Ripley, because none of these games have anythin...

June 01, 2012 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - June 1, 2012
Episode #195 - If it's Friday, it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we have two titans of 2D gaming squaring off. In the Wii corner it's Metal Slug 3, SNK's action-packed Neo Geo game. But don't get too exc...

June 01, 2012 Review - Genesis
Review: RoboCop vs. The Terminator
We end our week-long look at RoboCop and The Terminator with ... RoboCop vs. The Terminator. Can Robo fight off OCP and take down Skynet all at the same time? It seems unlikely, but I bet he'll...