June 2011

June 20, 2011 Mondo Cool TV
Mondo Cool TV: Ninja Gaiden
Episode #5 - Mondo Cool TV (Ep. 5) - Defunct Games and the Mondo Cool Network are proud to present Mondo Cool TV, a bi-weekly look at classic games and what they mean to the millions of people who love them. In t...

June 15, 2011 On Running Feuds
Game Bully: Attack of The Redner Group
Episode #178 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 178) - Last night The Redner Group did a bad, bad thing. They threatened game critics to either give Duke Nukem Forever a "fair" grade or be cut off from 2K Games. Naturally Cy...

June 14, 2011 They Said WHAT!?!
What the Next Wii Says About U
Episode #41 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 41) - At least week's E3 Nintendo unveiled the Wii U, a game console tailor-made for the hardcore gamers around the world. But there's something a little off about th...

June 13, 2011 Shit My Folks Say About E3
My Mom Hated Your E3 Press Conference
Episode #1 - This year I decided to stay home and let other people worry about the new games, systems and announcements at E3. This year I sent my folks in my place. I gave my mother a very important assignment, ...

June 03, 2011 Bonus Levels
Introducing: Shit My Folks Say About E3
Episode #101 - After spending a decade covering the pomp and circumstance of E3, I've finally had enough. I'm sick of waiting in lines, paying five dollars for bottled water and being underwhelmed by press conferenc...

June 03, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Moon Diver
While it's easy to compare it to Capcom's 1989 hit Strider, Moon Diver certainly stands on its own. The game does suffer from repetitive gameplay and a bit too much grinding, but the fact-paced actio...

June 02, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection
No matter whether you were there from the beginning or just now playing the game for the time, Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection has something for everybody. With its action-packed story, mem...

June 02, 2011 Level 1
Rolling Thunder 2 (Level 1)
Episode #19 - It's time for another episode of Level 1, a show so lazy that it couldn't be bothered to play through Level 2. This week we look at Rolling Thunder 2, one of the greatest spy games ever made. This G...

June 01, 2011 The Leaderboard
James Sturges Fights The Leaderboard
Episode #3 - After a few weeks off, Defunct Games has located a man brave enough to tackle The Leaderboard. In this game show we read old game reviews and you tell me the title. It sounds simple, but there are a...

June 01, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: L.A. Noire
L.A. Noire is an intelligent game with stellar acting, game changing technology and a cast of memorable characters. It's also Rockstar Games' most refined product, making it one of the best games thi...