July 2011

July 29, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - July 29, 2011
Episode #169 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games. Last week we covered so many games that in comparison this today's This Week in Defunct Games is going to feel anticlimactic. I mean Duke Nukem Foreve...

July 28, 2011 On Running Feuds
Metal Gear Solid 3D Is Doomed
Episode #180 - Apparently Konami doesn't want to sell any copies of Metal Gear Solid 3DS! What seemed like a good idea at first has quickly become a nightmare for the company. Join Defunct Games as we take a trip ...

July 27, 2011 Commercial Break
My Babysitter's a Bad Advertisement
Episode #54 - It's time for another episode of Commercial Break, the show that isn't afraid to make fun of the worst video game advertising of all time. We have a very special episode lined-up today, including som...

July 25, 2011 Defunct Games Vs.
Defunct Games vs. SNK Minis
Episode #9 - Did you know that SNK released eight classic arcade games as PSP Minis? It's true, and Defunct Games has the proof! Join us as we sift through a decade's worth of golden oldies. We have some o...

July 25, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Bastion
It's not always about the adventure you go on, but sometimes it's the way the story is told. Bastion weaves an incredible story that goes places I wasn't expecting. The game's narrations are unlike ...

July 22, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - July 22, 2011
Episode #168 - If it's Friday then it's time for This Week in Defunct Games. Wait ... FRIDAY? That's right, starting this week, This Week in Defunct Games has officially moved to Friday. But don't worry; we ...

July 20, 2011 On Running Feuds
Urban Champion Is the Last Straw
Episode #179 - Things aren't looking good for the Nintendo 3DS. With much-hyped games getting delayed and canceled, somebody has to do something quick in order to keep this ship from sinking. Good news: Nintendo h...

July 13, 2011 Bonus Levels
Three Great Things About 1C 2011
Episode #102 - War games, Inexplicably difficult PC titles, and the overwhelming smell of borsch. Yup, it's time to head back to Russia to cover 1C's 2011/2012 line-up. Held at the Russian Consulate in San Francis...

July 12, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - July 12, 2011
Episode #167 - If it's Tuesday it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we're catching up with the recent offerings from both the Virtual Console and PSN PSone Classics store. Up first we have Fortified Zone and ...

July 11, 2011 Mondo Cool TV
Mondo Cool TV: Mobile Suit Gundam
Episode #6 - Jerry Terrifying is back with another exciting episode of Mondo Cool TV! In this episode we get a full Gundam retrospective and Jerry heads to a local game store. What's more, we unveil the fourth b...

July 08, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - 3DS Buyers' Guide
Episode #166 - This Week in Defunct Games is back with a bonus episode! Today we're taking a look at the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console. In the past few weeks Nintendo has uploaded some big hitters, including Mario, ...

July 07, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition offers enough new content to warrant the fifteen dollars. But even with four new characters and some exciting online modes, I still wish there was more to this...

July 06, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Trenched
Don't like tower defense games? Not impressed by the slow-moving nature of mech games? Me neither, yet I couldn't get enough of Double Fine's newest game. Trenched isn't perfect (it can b...

July 05, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - July 5, 2011
Episode #165 - If it's Tuesday then it's This Week in Defunct Games. With PSN back up and Nintendo finally updating the Virtual Console, it looks like we have a solid batch of games to review. This week we're play...

July 05, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Duke Nukem Forever
Even if you can get past the terrible graphics, lame story, horrible gameplay, bad level designs, outdated mechanics, cringe-worthy one-liners, bare bones multiplayer and abysmal mini-games, Duke Nuke...

July 04, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: L.A. Noire
Although L.A. Noire is great on both systems, it's best on the PlayStation 3. With improved performance, better frame rate and an added case, this is certainly the version of the game to get. The st...

July 04, 2011 Shit My Folks Say About E3
Mystery Package: The Ultimate E3 Swag?
Episode #2 - My parents only had three jobs at E3. Play lots of games, have a good time and, most importantly, bring me back some really cool swag. After several weeks of waiting, my ultimate package of E3 gear h...