July 2005

July 31, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Time Soldier
Considering how cool zipping through time is, you'd think that Time Soldier would be a better game. But Cyril is here to let you know that you are wrong, dead wrong. It's a tragically bad overhead sho...

July 31, 2005 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: Mr. Bones
Defunct Games welcomes a brand new staff writer here to tell you what he thinks of Mr. Bones. We could spend the rest of this time spoiling the review for you, but we're going to let it stand for your...

July 30, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Hang On
In Cyril's review of Hang On he has a tough decision, should be stick to reviewing this arcade classic ... or spend the whole time bashing on OutRun? He had spent so much time playing through Han...

July 30, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Penguin Land
Cyril doesn't have a problem admitting that he thinks penguins are cute. How can you resist them jumping on a couch, or snuggling up against a polar bear, or whatever it is they do out in the wild...

July 28, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue - Advertisement Review
Episode #1 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue (NES) print ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement when you read this episode of Commercia...

July 28, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Daedalion Opus on Game Boy - Advertisement Review
Episode #2 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Daedalion Opus (NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisem...

July 28, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Krion Conquest on NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #3 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Krion Conquest (NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisem...

July 28, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Valis III on Genesis - Advertisement Review
Episode #4 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Krion Conquest (NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisem...

July 28, 2005 Commercial Break
The One With the Bad Advertising
Episode #1 - Defunct Games is proud to present the pilot episode of a brand new show! That's right, today you're going to witness a brand new feature on Defunct Games, something we hope to have each and every week...

July 26, 2005 On Running Feuds
Is Your Neighborhood Best Buy a Hypocrite?
Episode #72 - So you want to buy Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, eh? Well don't be looking for it at your local Best Buy, because they have decided to take it off the shelves for your protection. In our 72nd ep...

July 25, 2005 Freeze Frame
GamePro - Been There, Done That
Episode #57 - Ever get the feeling GamePro likes Dragon Ball Z? Well, we have some evidence that might seem a little shocking. We won't pretend that we have all the answers to this Freeze Frame, but we're goin...

July 24, 2005 Review - Lynx
Review: Paperboy
Everybody seems to love those job-based games; admit it, you love Crazy Taxi. Now Patrick takes a look at the Lynx version of Paperboy, the granddaddy of all job-simulators. Can this portable version ...

July 24, 2005 Review - Game Gear
Review: Klax
I bet you remember Tetris, one of the most influential puzzle games of all time. But I wouldn't be too surprised if you've completely forgotten about Klax. Cyril takes us all back to a time when one p...

July 23, 2005 Review - Sega 32x
Review: Primal Rage
Did somebody ask for a review of Primal Rage? No! Well, that's not going to stop us from delivering you our full thought of this arcade "classic." This may be the only fighting game that allows y...

July 23, 2005 Review - 3DO
Review: Return Fire
In our first 3DO review, Darryn takes us to the world of Return Fire. It's a world of crazy capture-the-flag action and satisfying depth. It's a game that Darryn hopes you already own - but if not he'...

July 22, 2005 Pop-Up Video Game
Understanding More About the Men in Manhunt
Episode #40 - It's a Manhunt! Okay, maybe it's not, but it is an article full of facts about men! Everybody loves useless trivia; and who knows, maybe these facts will help you down the road. It's our 40th episo...

July 21, 2005 On Running Feuds
Entertainment Weekly - E3 in 274 Words
Episode #71 - In our 71st episode of the On Running Feuds we are proud to bring you what has to be the shortest E3 wrap up known to man. Entertainment Weekly sent two reporters down to E3 and came back with an arti...

July 20, 2005 Fight The Future
Fighting to Understand E3 2005!
Episode #3 - Fight the Future (Ep. 3) - We just got back from E3 and boy are we having a hard time figuring out what it all means. Is that PS3 control real? Does the world really need another Game Boy Advan...

July 20, 2005 Bonus Levels
Fight the Future: Getting to the Bottom of E3
Episode #49 - Tired of not knowing the future? Sick of being baffled by stupid questions? Well so is Defunct Games, so we decided to bring in our big guns and ask them to Fight the Future! Actually, we de...

July 18, 2005 On Running Feuds
Putting Your Trust in the Blender
Episode #70 - When it comes to video game reviews are you really going to believe a music magazine? What about one that prints reviews of games that are clearly not done? In the 70th episode of the On Run...

July 18, 2005 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Conker: Live & Reloaded
As far as remakes go, Conker Live and Reloaded is a good one. But with flawed controls, outdated movie references, and a multiplayer mode that is maybe a little too complex for its own good, Conker d...

July 17, 2005 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: Panzer Dragoon Saga
Is Panzer Dragoon Saga one of the best role-playing games of all time? Darryn seems to think so in this rave review of one of Sega's last Saturn games. With huge dragons, plenty of amazing battle...

July 17, 2005 Review - Lynx
Review: Gauntlet: The Third Encounter
Generally Patrick is into role-playing games, especially ones you can link up with other players. But does Gauntlet: the Third Encounter deliver the goods? Maybe not, but it does offer more than ...

July 16, 2005 Review - Lynx
Review: Super Asteroids
Hey look, Patrick has a brand new review ready for you to sink your teeth into. He's already spent his time dealing with ugly ports of Missile Command, so why not look at one of the biggest arcade hit...

July 16, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Strider
Cyril loves Strider. It's one of his favorite games of all time. Yet what does he think of this scaled down Sega Master System version? Is it worth your time? Is it even worth talking about&...

July 15, 2005 On Running Feuds
Hot Coffee, Cold Shower
Episode #69 - In our 69th episode of the On Running Feuds we take a look at the controversy surrounding Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and a certain Hot Coffee mod. With Hillary Clinton and others kick starting an i...

July 13, 2005 Reviews au Courant
Review: Flipnic: Ultimate Pinball
Capcom’s Flipnic Ultimate Pinball tries to go ‘outside the box’ for pinball games. It is a very unusual pinball game that attempts something different, but unfortunately, it just doesn’t work ...

July 13, 2005 On Running Feuds
Leaving the Light Gun Where it Belongs
Episode #68 - In our 68th episode of the On Running Feuds we take a look at another controversial topic: Light Guns! One of the oldest video game accessories has hit a slump lately and we know exactly what should b...

July 11, 2005 On Running Feuds
Hard News from an Opinionated Source
Episode #67 - If you're anything like me then you like to stay up on the video game news. Between magazines and websites it's easy to know what is going on and what games are coming out. But sometimes game sites th...

July 10, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: OutRun
What could be so wrong with OutRun? In Cyril's full review we find that he doesn't care much for how the game is set up. Specifically the steep difficulty level. This should have been one of the ...

July 10, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Vigilante
Here's an arcade game you might remember but should have forgotten. Vigilante isn't the worst game you'll see, but it's one you might want to keep in your distant memories. Maria is begging for some h...

July 09, 2005 Review - Sega 32x
Review: Tempo
Lee Miller doesn't have anything against his Sega 32x. He'll support that little peripheral until he dies. But he's not going to go that far for Sega's first party action game, Tempo. Find out just wh...

July 09, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Ninja Gaiden
Cyril loves his Ninja Gaiden. He raves about the old NES titles, that new Xbox version, and even some of the strays. But it wasn't until recently that he got his hands on the Sega Master System versio...

July 08, 2005 On Running Feuds
Greek Mythology According to Koei
Episode #66 - Don't know much about Greek Mythology? Stumped by the belief in multiple gods? Well so are the makers of Colosseum, a new adventure game with one fatal mistake. Learn why somebody should hav...

July 06, 2005 On Running Feuds
How Not to Spell Gizmondo
Episode #65 - Want to know how to spell Gizmondo? Well don't consult their E3 2005 Product Guide, because even the simplest words are misspelled. In this episode of On Running Feuds we get to the bottom of a g...

July 05, 2005 Freeze Frame
Die Hard or Hardcore?
Episode #56 - Have you noticed the general lack of interesting video game magazines lately? It doesn't matter what it says on the cover, most of the magazines just look and feel the same month after month. Wou...

July 04, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Wonderboy
We've talked about it in the Freeze Frame, but after years of neglect we've finally zeroed in on Wonderboy! This is yet another Master System review from the Defunct Gamer himself, Cyril. See what mak...

July 03, 2005 Review - Lynx
Review: Super Missile Command
Our summer of reviews continues as Patrick brings you his thoughts on Super Missile Command for the Atari Lynx. This is a classic reborn for a new generation, but as Patrick explains maybe this game w...

July 02, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Ghouls N Ghosts
We've decided it's about time to start adding to our review archive, and what better way than to talk about a couple of Sega Master System games? Cyril expressed worry about reviewing Ghouls N Gh...

July 02, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Mortal Kombat
I know you want to know how good Mortal Kombat could be on the Master System. I bet you didn't even know there was a Mortal Kombat game on the Master System, and now you want to know how it stacks up ...

July 01, 2005 Pop-Up Video Game
Facts about Rating BMX XXX
Episode #39 - BMX XXX is a terrible game. Just horrible. But that doesn't mean we can't feature it in our 39th episode of the Pop-Up Video Games? These are facts about ratings on one of the most controversi...

July 01, 2005 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gaming Monthly #2: Castlevania - Curse of Darkness
Episode #2 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...