June 2006

June 25, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #16 - Sometimes we like to mix up our weekends with all kinds of reviews for different systems. This is not one of those weekends. Join us as we take a look at four different games released on the Sega Dr...

June 25, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Diego looks at yet another good (although, not great) racing games for the Sega Dreamcast. It's Tokyo Xtreme Racer, the game that influenced popular franchises like Need for Speed Underground and Mid...

June 25, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: MDK2
You've played all of those happier (friendlier) action games that had you helping people and offering up charity, maybe it's time you forget about those borefests and check out MDK 2, the ultraviolent...

June 24, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Metropolis Street Racer
Long before there was Project Gotham Racing, Bizarre Creations made a little game for the Dreamcast called Metropolis Street Racer. It featured realistic cities, a kudos system, and the technology th...

June 24, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Space Channel 5
Space Channel 5 is the quirky little title the Dreamcast was known for, a music game from the creator of Rez and Lumines. You play Ulala, a space reporter who dances her way to victory against all ki...

June 19, 2006 Pop-Up Video Game
Learn About the Leaders in Bad Dudes
Episode #46 - Pop Up Video Games (Ep. 46) - It's time to pop into another episode of Pop Up Video Games. Today we take a look at a game that had you beating up a small army in hopes of saving the kidnapped Preside...

June 18, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #15 - What better way to end an exciting weekend than with a bunch of reviews? Watch as Chad brings us three reviews for three different systems, including Flashback for the CD-i, Pulstar for the Neo ...

June 18, 2006 Review - Sega CD
Review: Make My Video: INXS
It's hard to talk about INXS without talking about the tragedy that struck the band ... and of course by that I'm talking about that reality show Rockstar: INXS! This is the type of "game" that allow...

June 18, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Flashback: The Quest for Identity
You bought that CD-i in the hopes of playing exciting games with stellar graphics, but all you get is Pinball and Hotel Mario. Perhaps it's time for you to get behind the best game on the system, Fla...

June 17, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
And you know what else they don't wear? Tuxedos! They also don't wear helmets, pocket protectors, or cowboy boots. After Plumbers Don't Wear Ties hit the game scene there was a sharp drop in t...

June 17, 2006 Review - Neo Geo
Review: Pulstar
Chad is more than a little surprised that our Defunct Games review staff hasn't reviewed Pulstar yet, but that's okay because he's ready to point you in the right direction over this 1995 shooter. Cr...

June 16, 2006 The Cover Critic
Stupid Sports and the Cover Critic
Episode #55 - The Cover Critic (Ep. 55) - We wrap up another week of updates with the first episode of The Cover Critic since May. In Stupid Sports and the Cover Critic we ponder what it must be like to visit a Mo...

June 14, 2006 Bad Advertisement
The Combatribes on Super NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #93 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about Technos' The Conbatribes (Super NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic gam...

June 14, 2006 Bad Advertisement
3dfx PC Acceleration - Advertisement Review
Episode #94 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about The Game Handler print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement when...

June 14, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Steel Harbinger on PlayStation - Advertisement Review
Episode #95 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Official Nuby Products print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

June 14, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Fighting Stick SS - Advertisement Review
Episode #96 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Hori Fighting Stick SS (PlayStation) promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of th...

June 14, 2006 Commercial Break
Talk Sex with Bad Advertising
Episode #24 - Commercial Break (Ep. 24) - The women of bad advertising have come together to show you that they can be just as tacky as the men. It's our 24th episode of the Commercial Break. In this episode we b...

June 12, 2006 On Running Feuds
And That's Why CNN Hates Us
Episode #107 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 107) - Ever get the feeling that the mainstream news media hates us? Well buddy, you're not alone. But it's not as simple as them liking or disliking us video game players...

June 11, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Jurassic Park Interactive
With the technology of the 3DO you would think that they could do a good Jurassic Park game, but they can't, and fans of the Michael Crichton book have to put up with another substandard dinosaur romp...

June 11, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Twisted: The Game Show
Now here's the type of product I wish somebody would take seriously, the video game TV game show. Defunct Games is a huge fan of game shows and what could be better than one that is interactive?...

June 11, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #14 - Another weekend has come and gone. But there's no reason to be sad when Defunct Games has so many worthwhile reviews for you to read! Let me introduce you to Diego Antico. Diego has four separate r...

June 10, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Demolition Man
"I AM THE LAW!!!" Oh wait, that's the other Sylvester Stallone movie where he plays a futuristic cop. My mistake. But Diego didn't make that mistake when he took a look at Demolition Man for the 3D...

June 10, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: Way of the Warrior
Although the 3DO played host to games like Super Street Fighter II and Samurai Shodown, it's safe to say that it wasn't the system of choice for fans of the genre. The 3DO's control made the genre pa...

June 09, 2006 Radio Free Gaming
Reviews in the Hot Seat Volume 1
Episode #4 - Radio Free Gaming (Ep. 4) - Thank you for tuning into Radio Free Gaming, tonight we have a marathon of Kenny G covers. But first I'm proud to bring you 30 minutes of brand new audio reviews, with Cyr...

June 07, 2006 Service Gaming: the Show
Service Gaming: Press Your Luck
Episode #4 - Service Gaming (Ep. 4) - It's time once again for another episode of Service Gaming, the show where we ask every day people basic video game questions and it's up to you to figure out whether they got...

June 04, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #13 - Another exciting week has come and gone and what do we have to show for it? Four reviews, of course! It's a weekend full of diversity as we have Cyril finally looking at Metal Slug 3 and Thomas...

June 04, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Pinball
Wait ... Pinball?? Just Pinball?? No CD-i Pinball or Ultimate Pinball or something like that? Just plain old Pinball? Well damn, I thought the days of simple titles w...

June 04, 2006 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Chew Man Fu
When you hear a name like Chew Man Fu what do you think of? Crazy facial hair? Probably! Lame Asian stereotypes? Possibly. Crazy ass puzzle game? NEVER! But that's exactly wh...

June 03, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Sega Extreme Sports
Tired of those normal sports? Sick of baseball and football and all the others? Well Thomas is here with one game that might pique your interests. It's Sega Extreme Sports, a collection o...

June 03, 2006 Review - Neo Geo
Review: Metal Slug 3
How can this be? After five years and nearly 500 reviews we still had not looked at Metal Slug 3. How is that even possible?? We've reviewed Metal Slug 1, 2, 4, 5, and even X. Heck,...

June 02, 2006 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! May 2006 Edition
Episode #11 - You've just discovered that the government has been keeping track of your phone calls, you voted three hundred times for Taylor Hicks and you've finally had a chance to touch Nintendo's Wii. It sounds...

June 01, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Impressions: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP)
Episode #24 - Patrick visits the Konami booth in an attempt to meet Hideo Kojima only to have his dreams crushed, that is until someone who doesn't even work for Konami takes him on a booth tour, and introduces him...

June 01, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: Tekken (PSP)
Episode #23 - More E3 updates in June? You better believe it! Defunct Games isn't done recapping their favorite (and least favorite) games, as you can tell by this hands-on preview of Tekken: Dark Resurrecti...

June 01, 2006 Bonus Levels
Everything You Want to Know About E3 is Wrong
Episode #54 - Now that E3 is behind us it's time to look back and see everything you missed. The staff of Defunct Games wrote two dozen articles about the event, many of them from the show itself. Want to know wh...

June 01, 2006 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #12: DeadRising
Episode #12 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...