May 2006

May 31, 2006 Commercial Break
How I Met Your Bad Advertising
Episode #23 - Commercial Break (Ep. 23) - It's yet another brilliant edition the Commercial Break featuring soccer, widescreen TVs, one-handed controls, and boys with terrible fashion sense. And if that wasn't eno...

May 31, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Renovation Products Genesis Catalog - Advertisement Review
Episode #89 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about Renovation's Products Genesis Catalog print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic ga...

May 31, 2006 Bad Advertisement
IMS The Game Handler Controller - Advertisement Review
Episode #90 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about The Game Handler print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement when...

May 31, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Kick Off on Mega Drive - Advertisement Review
Episode #92 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Kick Off (Mega Drive) promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game...

May 31, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Official Nuby Products for Game Consoles - Advertisement Rev...
Episode #91 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Official Nuby Products print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

May 29, 2006 On Running Feuds
GamePro's Lowest Moment - Mario Mix
Episode #106 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 106) - GamePro forgets things from time to time; it's just one of those quirky things they are remembered for. But in their recent Mario retrospective they forget a whole chunk ...

May 28, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #12 - Is the weekend almost over already? Hang in there gamers, Defunct Games is here to provide you with a whole weekend full of exciting video game reviews! It's been quite a diverse weekend so far...

May 28, 2006 Review - Sega 32x
Review: Fahrenheit
Lee Miller checks in with what has to be the single worst Sega 32X game ever made, Fahrenheit. It's a game about firefighters, but don't think that you're going to feel the heat. This game is all st...

May 28, 2006 Review - 3DO
Review: BattleSport
Darryn makes a triumphant return with his take on BattleSport, the violent 3DO sports games that's worth checking out. Is this the type of sport we'll see in the future, or will it be nothing but rea...

May 27, 2006 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Makai Prince Dorabochan
Chad returns with another classic platformer for the TurboDuo. It's Makai Prince Dorabochan the cute little action game that was only released in Japan. But just because you've never heard of this g...

May 27, 2006 Review - TurboDuo
Review: JJ and Jeff
Chad is utterly confused by JJ and Jeff, NEC's quirky TurboDuo game. Are these guys supposed to be detectives or Hollywood agents? And why are there so many poop jokes? And why do you get...

May 26, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: Sandio's Game O' 3D Mouse
Episode #22 - This marks this year's first E3 hardware review, just goes to show that nothing is off limits! Check out Patrick and Cyril's wild ride to one of the many booths that occupy Kentia Hall. We get a hands...

May 26, 2006 The Cover Critic
The Cover Critic and the Cop
Episode #54 - The Cover Critic (Ep. 54) - They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But since I've never heard that expression used against video games I figure that it's open season on the box art. In th...

May 24, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: Earthworm Jim (PSP)
Episode #21 - Defunct Games is proud to reintroduce Earthworm Jim, a friend we thought we had lost years ago. After a terrible 3D outing seven years ago, Jim is back to his 2D roots on the PSP with a brand new adv...

May 22, 2006 On Running Feuds
EA Isn't the Only One that Needs a New IP!
Episode #105 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 105) - These days its easy (and fun) to beat up Electronic Arts for their licensed games, frequent sequels, and annual sports games. But EA is hardly the only company guilty of ...

May 22, 2006 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Lemmings
Lemmings on the PSP gives you everything you could have asked for -- new graphics, good control, plenty of levels, and a robust level editor. It may not reinvent the wheel but this brand new Lemmings...

May 21, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: SingStar (PS3)
Episode #20 - Want to hear Defunct Games sing? Of course you don't. But we played some Karaoke Revolution , er, SingStar just to see what it was like. It's the PlayStation 3's very first karaoke video game,...

May 21, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #11 - Hey there you lazy bum, shouldn't you be out there working or doing something productive? Oh, what's that you say? It's Sunday? Oh, so it is, and that means we have two more games to...

May 21, 2006 Review - WonderSwan
Review: Golden Axe
This WonderSwan Color port of Sega's classic brawler took everybody at the Defunct Games offices by surprise, it's a damn good version of Golden Axe. Who know that a portable game system like the Won...

May 21, 2006 Review - WonderSwan
Review: Guilty Gear Petit
Defunct Games looks at our very first fighting game for the WonderSwan Color. How does it stack up? How does it compare to SNK's popular pocket fighting games? Why am I writing this entir...

May 20, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Escape from Cyber City
Escape From Cyber City
Chad returns with yet another review of a CD-i game. And guess what? This one is actually worth playing! It's Escape From Cyber City the long lost sequel to John Carpen...

May 20, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon Carnival
When the CD-i was first announced Philip's touted its many uses, including offering games that allowed you to control a real cartoon, not just sprites with limited animation. Unfortunately Cartoon Ca...

May 19, 2006 They Said WHAT?!?
EGM Dec. '99 - Pitching a No-Hitter!
Episode #8 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 8) - As we've demonstrated time and time again EGM's trusty gossip hound, Quartermann, is not to be believed. But while most of what he says ends up being wrong in ea...

May 18, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: The Nintendo Wii
Episode #19 - The Defunct Games staff waited in line for nearly an hour to bring you our exclusive look at the Nintendo Wii! How exclusive? Well, the fact that every other website has an article like this me...

May 17, 2006 On Running Feuds
It's Just About Time for a Regime Change
Episode #104 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 104) - In our first On Running Feud since E3 we take a look at the uphill battle Sony is facing and why it might be in their best interest to lose. Defunct Games is not afraid t...

May 16, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)
Episode #18 - Patrick takes a wild trip out of E3 while playing Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man inside the Sony Booth. Find out what he thinks, why you must own it, and just what you can expect from this 1951 s...

May 16, 2006 E3 2006
Another Helping of Capcom Classics!
Episode #17 - Capcom had more than just another PSP collection at this year's E3, read what Cyril thinks of the new Game Boy Advance and PS2 collection. Is it true that you will finally be able to play the origina...

May 15, 2006 Commercial Break
Two Guys, a Girl, and Bad Advertising
Episode #22 - Commercial Break (Ep. 22) - Defunct Games is back from E3 and that can only mean one thing, it's time for another episode of the Commercial Break. In today's episode we take a look at four more adver...

May 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Starshot: Space Circus Fever - Advertisement Review
Episode #85 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the StarShot: Space Circus Fever (Nintendo 64) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this c...

May 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
C-3D - Advertisement Review
Episode #86 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the C-3D print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement when you rea...

May 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Intensor FX with VIBRA-KICK - Advertisement Review
Episode #87 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Intensor FX with VIBRA-KICK print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game adv...

May 15, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Nyko Worm Light & Shock 'N' Rock - Advertisement Review
Episode #88 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Nyko Worm Light & Shock 'N' Rock promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this c...

May 13, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Radirgy
Well what do we have here? Could it really be a brand new Dreamcast game? Chad rips this new shooter apart to see just what makes it so special. Find out why this is one Dreamcast game yo...

May 13, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Under Defeat
Another Dreamcast shooter? Well wouldn't you know, Chad's pulling double duty by offering up a review of Under Defeat, another recent Dreamcast shooter. Could this one be even better than such ...

May 12, 2006 Radio Free Gaming
The Real Life Adventures of Valis
Episode #3 - Radio Free Gaming (Ep. 3) - Defunct Games is proud to bring you The Real Life Adventures of Valis, a brand new 12 minute radio play! Instead of hiring a bunch of voice talent we've decided to edit ou...

May 11, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: The PlayStation 3 Control
Episode #16 - The Defunct Games staff have FINALLY had a chance to check out Sony's newest control and we like it, kind of. But what about the new buttons? The changed buttons? Oh, and how does the mot...

May 11, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: The Eye of Judgment (PS3)
Episode #15 - We showcase The Eye of Judgment and report back to you! Did Sony answer any of our questions? Is this real world card game even worth it, or remotely fun? Findout more when you read Patrick'...

May 11, 2006 E3 2006
E3 Hands On: Sonic the Hedgehog (PS3)
Episode #14 - Sega's blue mascot is back with yet another 3D adventure. Sega says they re-invented Sonic the Hedgehog, but Cyril doesn't seem to think so. Are the graphics the only thing about this speedy platfom...

May 11, 2006 E3 2006
Defunct Games on TV!
Episode #13 - After five years of waiting, Defunct Games has finally managed to land an interview on TV. Unfortunately it's with a TV channel (or show) we've never heard of. But just because we don't know who Gam...

May 10, 2006 E3 2006
Nordic Game Buys Me A Commodore Game!
Episode #12 - Nordic games went the extra mile to buy me the classic Commodore game, Space Racer, for my cell phone! Read more to find out about how this works, and what the future holds for Commodore games such as...

May 10, 2006 Service Gaming: the Show
Service Gaming: The Cross-Wits
Episode #3 - Service Gaming: The Show (Ep. 3) - America's favorite game show is back just in time for E3 2006! It's Service Gaming: The Show, the game that asks three contestants very simple questions and makes y...

May 10, 2006 E3 2006
Pre-E3: A Sega Shocker?
Episode #11 - Sega decided to leave their biggest surprise until the day of the show. What is it? Will you want it? Will it bet better than it sounds? Find out when we explore the mysteries of Se...

May 09, 2006 E3 2006
The Wheelman is a Real Man!
Episode #10 - A very special non-guest makes a splash in a video game only role in Midway's exciting, explosive, and unrealistic action driving game, The Wheelman, for the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 home console sy...

May 09, 2006 E3 2006
A Few Thoughts About Sony's Press Conference
Episode #9 - A few hours ago Sony became the first company at E3 to hold a press conference and boy was it full of surprises. While we all expected Sony to spill the beans about the new control, final release dat...

May 09, 2006 E3 2006
Sony's Long Awaited Surprise??
Episode #8 - What was Sony's big surprise at this year's E3 press conference?? Well, beyond the control, games, and everything else? Well, it's God of War II. No really. Join us as we try to fig...

May 09, 2006 E3 2006
EA's Long Lost Innovation Returns
Episode #7 - After several years of rehash franchies, and "playing it safe", EA is doing something for the betterment of gaming. Read Patrick's thoughts on EA's big announcements and their exciting projects from t...

May 08, 2006 I've Got Your Number
The Seven Deadly Sins of E3
Episode #7 - I've Got Your Number (Ep. 7) - It's that time of year again, it's time for Defunct Games to jump on an airplane and jet off to sunny southern California for E3! But before the biggest video game even...

May 07, 2006 E3 2006
Scarface Has the Greatest Cast Ever!
Episode #6 - Want to see the largest, most diverse cast of characters in a video game? Then you better turn your head and check out the upcoming Scarface game. This one game alone features more than thirty ...

May 07, 2006 Review - Game Gear
Review: Alien Syndrome
Where have you heard this story before, a man and woman fight a bunch of aliens to stay alive (and save their home base)? It's yet another clich? 8-bit game that offers a simple story and a...

May 07, 2006 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: NHL All Star
Hockey fans are a hardcore group that will do anything to enjoy their sport. But with its poor controls and bad graphics NHL All Star is likely to start a fight. Is Chad able to look through the poo...

May 07, 2006 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #10 - It's the last four reviews before E3 and we're going out with a bang. We have four reviews from three different people, that certainly has to be a new record. Chad checks in with a couple of sports ...

May 06, 2006 Review - CD-i
Review: International Tennis Open
Chad is a fan of tennis games, which might explain why he's so angry at the people that made International Tennis Open. How hard can it be to make a solid tennis game? Apparently it's extremely...

May 06, 2006 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Vanishing Point
Hey look at this, it's a game based on the 1971 cult classic featuring Barry Newman! Wait, what's that? You mean to tell me this is just another racing game for the Dreamcast? Oh phooey. ...

May 05, 2006 E3 2006
Another Year, Another Tony Hawk Game
Episode #5 - This probably won't come as a shock, but Activision is getting ready to debut a new Tony Hawk game at this year's E3! Surprised? Yeah, I didn't think so. Neither we were, but that didn't stop ...

May 05, 2006 Bad Advertisement
LaserScope on NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #81 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the LaserScope (Konami) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertiseme...

May 05, 2006 Bad Advertisement
The Trading Zone Magazine Commercial - Advertisement Review
Episode #82 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about The Trading Zone print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement when...

May 05, 2006 Bad Advertisement
Game Genie on NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #83 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Game Genie (NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisement ...

May 05, 2006 Bad Advertisement
LightBoy for Game Boy - Advertisement Review
Episode #84 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Vic Tokai LightBoy (Game Boy) promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this clas...

May 05, 2006 Commercial Break
Highway to Bad Advertising
Episode #21 - Commercial Break (Ep. 21) - We've come down to this, our final article before we leave for sunny southern California! It's our twenty-first episode of the Commercial Break, the show that skewers all ...

May 04, 2006 E3 2006
SNK Playmore Announces E3 Lineup
Episode #4 - SNK Playmore sent us their press release outlining their official E3 2006 Lineup. More importantly, what is SNK Playmore doing in Concourse Hall? Read on as Patrick tells you what games he is exc...

May 04, 2006 E3 2006
Pre-E3 Hands On: LocoRoco (PSP)
Episode #3 - Cyril breaks tradition and gives you a preview of a PSP game, all in the name of E3. Join us as we take a very special look at LocoRoco a week before the event even starts. Is it worth your time...

May 03, 2006 E3 2006
Nothing Ever Goes As Planned At E3
Episode #2 - E3 is a wild ride, one with unpredictable turns. This post chronicles my plans of what I want to do each day, we will see if they follow through as much as I'd like them to....

May 03, 2006 E3 2006
Defunct Games Staff Anxious About E3!
Episode #1 - Cyril kicks off two weeks of E3 2006 coverage by giving you the ins and outs of our little system. Expect plenty of updates, tons of reviews, the return of popular shows, and questions from the reade...

May 03, 2006 Bonus Levels
Compilation Anxiety
Episode #53 - Video game compilations are not only a great fit on portable game systems but are a fun way of collecting your favorite arcade and console hits. But not all video game collections are equal, which is...

May 01, 2006 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #11: Test Drive Unlimited
Episode #11 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...

May 01, 2006 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! April 2006 Edition
Episode #10 - You just had an extremely quiet birth for Tom Cruise, you sat horrified at what Hollywood did to Silent Hill and you've sat in your room all weekend pondering the Nintendo Wii! Boy, it sounds like yo...