December 2005

December 25, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
IGN On the 'Hunt' for Stolen Ideas
Episode #32 - We've finally made it, it's Christmas Day! After 32 episodes we've made it to the ultimate Defunct Games article, a little something I like to call, IGN On the 'Hunt' for Stolen Ideas! This is an ar...

December 25, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Ace of Aces
Sometimes you just want to hate a game because of its pretentious name, and that's my problem with Ace of Aces, the air combat game for the Sega Master System. It's Chad doing this review, and he's n...

December 25, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: Zool
Zool is a 2D platformer. It also sounds as a lot like Zoop, a 2D puzzle game. But this is not Zoop, this is Zool. Zool is kind of generic, at least, that's what Chad seems to think. How could that...

December 24, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Second Episodes Are for Losers
Episode #31 - Our second to last episode is Second Episodes Are for Losers, which is a good article to read on the night before Christmas. I'm not sure why, but we're thirty-one days in to the 32 Articles of Chris...

December 23, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Fear & Loathing At E3
Episode #30 - Defunct Games had so much fun covering E3 2003; it was one of the best times I have ever had. You can read all about it in the ultimate E3 guide, a nineteen page report that takes you through the who...

December 23, 2005 Countdown w/ DGC
Top Ten Signs You're Having a Bad Christmas (Broken)
Episode #65 - Top Ten Lists (Ep. 65) - Can you believe it, this is the weekend of Christmas! We've waited all year for this weekend and now it's time to spread some joy. But what if you're having a bad holiday...

December 22, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
The Anniversary Collection that Wasn't!
Episode #29 - Hey, did you notice that yesterday's description didn't say the day number? Well that's not going to happen today, it's the twenty-ninth day of the 32 Articles of Christmas, and that means it's ...

December 21, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
The NES Preview of JIHAD!
Episode #28 - Talk about causing a controversy, you can't imagine the type of mail I got for posting this NES Preview of Jihad! Everybody loves those old NES games; why not release one that actually has a point to...

December 20, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Questionable Practices Still Going On Today
Episode #27 - Here's another fun Top Ten List, one that looks at some of the Questionable Practices Still Going On Today. It's our twenty-seventh day of the 32 Articles of Christmas which could only mean one thing...

December 18, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Gizmondo Proves to be Advertiser Friendly
Episode #25 - Hey look at this; it's our second Gizmondo story! And look at that, it came right in the nick of time, this is day twenty-five of our 32 Articles of Christmas ... only a few days left! This is Gizmo...

December 18, 2005 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Bonk's Adventure
Although he made his way over to the NES, Super NES, and even Game Boy, Bonk is best known for being the mascot to the Turbo Grafx-16. This large-headed hero is more than just a Mario-clone, though. W...

December 18, 2005 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Bonk's Revenge
Chad is back with another Bonk review, this time looking at the much-improved sequel. Bonk's Revenge is not just more of the same, it actually adds enough new game play to warrant checking this out ev...

December 18, 2005 Review - NGPC
Review: The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny
Lee loves Last Blade. Not just on the Neo Geo Pocket Color, but just about everything it lands on. With its unique character, great graphics, fun mini games, and tons of personality, the Last Blade is...

December 18, 2005 Review - Game Gear
Review: Hook
Before Sony released their PlayStation game system they were an insignificant player in the game industry. Hook is just another example of how unimportant Sony was back in the early 1990s, it's a game...

December 17, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Square-Enix Circles Around their Loyalties
Episode #24 - In our twenty-fourth day of the 32 Articles of Christmas we take a look at Square-Enix Circles Around their Loyalties, an article that wonders why Nintendo and Microsoft keep getting the wrong end of ...

December 16, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Top Ten Bold Statements
Episode #23 - We're in the home stretch, we're at day twenty-three of the 32 Articles of Christmas! Today we are proud to bring you the Top Ten Bold Statements, a list of real quotes that have to be seen to be bel...

December 16, 2005 The Cover Critic
Covering the Xbox 360!
Episode #50 - The Cover Critic (Ep. 50) - For years the Cover Critic has been grading the artwork of current generation games, giving you our honest opinion about the best and worst of modern day box covers. But i...

December 15, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
GamePro's Old Age is Catching Up to Them
Episode #22 - Can you believe it, we're already twenty-two days in to our 32 Articles of Christmas, what more could you ask for? What about GamePro's Old Age is Catching Up to Them, an article that pokes fun ...

December 14, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Body Parts of Lara Croft
Episode #21 - It's lucky number twenty-one on our journey through the 32 Articles of Christmas, and you know we're lucky because we're talking about the Body Parts of Lara Croft! Okay, we're not really "talking" a...

December 14, 2005 Commercial Break
Curb Your Bad Advertising
Episode #12 - Commercial Break (Ep. 12) - This is our worst episode of the Commercial Break. After a season of fantastic episodes we've finally found one that is just terrible. Not only is it terrible, but it's a...

December 14, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Bust-A-Move 2 on PlayStation - Advertisement Review
Episode #45 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Bust-A-Move 2 (Saturn) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

December 14, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Nyko Extreme Accessories for Consoles - Advertisement Review
Episode #46 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Nyko Extreme Gaming Accessories print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game...

December 14, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Blood Storm in Arcades - Advertisement Review
Episode #47 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Blood Storm (arcade) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertisem...

December 14, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Shaq Fu on Genesis & Super NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #48 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Shaq Fu (Genesis, Super NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game ad...

December 14, 2005 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Chronicles of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia has a built in fan base that will likely enjoy seeing a classic book brought to the Xbox, but if you're not a fan of the books (or movie) already then you may want to avoid th...

December 13, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
B is for Bad
Episode #10 - Hello fans of Sesame Street, this is B is for Bad. Ever wonder what the worst video games of all time are? Ever want to whittle it down to only the games that start with the letter B? Yea...

December 13, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Shadow of the Booth Babes
Episode #20 - We're twenty days into the 32 Articles of Christmas and we've finally found an article that features a whole bunch of E3 pictures. See Patrick do his best to snuggle up against every hot booth babe a...

December 12, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Millionaire: Through the Years
Episode #19 - There just aren't enough articles about Regis Philbin, a long-time talker. This is Millionaire: Through the Years, or as I like to call it, our nineteenth day of the 32 Articles of Christmas. Find o...

December 12, 2005 On Running Feuds
Video Games Just Say "Yes" to Drugs
Episode #86 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 86) - If the D.A.R.E. program taught us anything it's that drugs are not the answer. They'll turn you into blathering fools who steal and beat people up to get enough money to s...

December 12, 2005 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Gun
Gun is a fun little game of Cowboys and Indians worth checking out if you're a fan of this era, but don't expect more than a few hours of gameplay!...

December 11, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Get Your Hands off the Music
Episode #18 - It's hard to believe that we're eighteen days into the 32 Articles of Christmas, what could we possibly do next? How about you Get Your Hands off the Music!! No, not you, I'm talking about Micr...

December 11, 2005 Review - Lynx
Review: Xenophobe
Hey Lynx owners, do you have ecophobia? Are you an electrophobe? And when you're playing games do you have the fear of failure, I mean Atelophobia? If so, then Patrick has a review righ...

December 11, 2005 Review - SMS
Review: R-Type
Irem should be proud, not many 2D shooters have been able to continue to release new games nearly 20 years later. As great as Thunder Force 3 and Gaiares were you don't see new versions of them coming...

December 10, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Capcom Proves Zero is a Number
Episode #17 - And to think, we did Capcom Proves Zero is a Number long before Rare decided to release Perfect Dark Zero. If one is the loneliest number, then when is zero? These questions and more can be fou...

December 10, 2005 Review - Game Gear
Review: Ax Battler
With a name like Ax Battler this game has to be exciting, right? Well Chad doesn't think so, which is why he's having a hard time recommending this Game Gear game. To some this is just an offshoo...

December 10, 2005 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Alice Dreams
Hey, what the heck is Alice Dream? I've played a lot of Dreamcast and have never heard of this one. What gives? Well, Chad is here to introduce you to the wild world of fan-created games. Al...

December 09, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
A Case to be Made for Night Trap
Episode #16 - There's A Case to be Made for Night Trap and Defunct Games is the site to make it. We're here to defend Night Trap, a game we considered to be one of the worst. How can we do that? Find out wh...

December 09, 2005 They Said WHAT?!?
EGM April '92 - You Wanna Talk Aliens?
Episode #4 - They Said WHAT?!? (Ep. 4) - It's a packed episode of They Said WHAT?!? this week, including rumors of a super expensive Street Fighter II, the Giga Drive, a color Game Boy, and mor...

December 08, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
House of the Dead 3 vs. Doom 3
Episode #15 - This is a fun article, but not because it's especially clever or unique. I like this article because years after I posted it Electronic Gaming Monthly decided to rip it off. That's right; they ran t...

December 07, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Hard News from an Opinionated Source
Episode #14 - On day fourteen of the 32 Articles of Christmas we take a gander at in our article, Hard News from an Opinionated Source. This is the first time we talked about a certain lady Jane, but dig a...

December 07, 2005 Commercial Break
My Name Is Bad Advertising
Episode #11 - Commercial Break (Ep. 11) - It's our first episode of the Commercial Break since episode 10, and we have some truly heinous advertisements on display. See what has to be the silliest commercial we've...

December 07, 2005 Bad Advertisement
WURM on NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #41 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the WURM: Journey to the Center of the Earth (NES) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of th...

December 07, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Doom 64 on Nintendo 64 - Advertisement Review
Episode #42 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Doom 64 (Nintendo 64) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertise...

December 07, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Bubsy 3D on PlayStation - Advertisement Review
Episode #43 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Bubsy 3D (PlayStation) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertis...

December 07, 2005 Bad Advertisement
Crime Wave on PlayStation - Advertisement Review
Episode #44 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the Crime Wave (Saturn) print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertiseme...

December 06, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
The Late Show with Bad Advertising
Episode #13 - The Commercial Break is a show that is near and dear to my heart, it's the type of show that I like to broadcast because I know it's making a difference. The Late Show with Bad Advertising is one of ...

December 05, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
Sex, Lies, and Video Games
Episode #12 - I won't lie, I like the sight of a naked woman as much as the next guy ... but can we all agree that you're taking it too far when you're drooling over naked video game women? In our twelfth day...

December 05, 2005 On Running Feuds
Porting Your Compatibility Problems
Episode #85 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 85) - When Microsoft finally got around to posting their list of Xbox games compatible with the Xbox 360 there were a lot of concerns by their choices. Some complained that all ...

December 05, 2005 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Action packed gameplay? Check! Hardcore heavy metal soundtrack? Check! A great online mode that keeps you coming back for more? Check! A seriously steep learning curve? Chec...

December 04, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
The Passion of the Christ (GBA)
Episode #11 - Want to know something? Since we posted this article TV shows like Jimmy Kimmel Live have ripped us off. But we aren't mad; it's kind of an obvious joke. But read the full article and find out...

December 04, 2005 Review - Lynx
Review: Pac-Land
We're used to seeing games based on cartoons, we're used to seeing TV shows and movies based on games ... but this is a game that turned into a cartoon that was then turned into a game, talk about con...

December 04, 2005 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: Gex
By the time Gex showed up all of the furry animals had been taken by other companies, but that didn't stop them from designing this game around a gecko. Okay, so he's not the most compelling character...

December 03, 2005 Review - Dreamcast
Review: Sonic Shuffle
It's been a long time since we've had a game score this low. Is Matt just in a bad mood or is the game as bad as he says. Wait, Matt? That's right, it's the return of Matthew Coomer, one of our b...

December 03, 2005 Review - Super Grafx
Review: Darius Alpha
And with this review Defunct Games officially says adios to the Super Grafx. We've reviewed all seven games, including a couple we never want to see again. Darius Alpha is a strong title to end on, bu...

December 02, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
How Not to Spell Gizmondo
Episode #9 - In How Not To Spell Gizmondo we take a critical look at Tiger's handheld and use our red pen to write all over it. When it comes down to spelling, Gizmondo doesn't quite have the best reputation and ...

December 02, 2005 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! November 2005 Edition
Episode #5 - You just managed to get your butt out of the hurricane season uninjured, you've watched every movie with Oscar-buzz, and slept outside of a Wal*Mart to be the first to buy the Xbox 360. It sounds like...

December 01, 2005 32 Articles of Christmas
When It's Hard to Count Past Three
Episode #8 - On our eighth day of the 32 Articles of Christmas we look at a fact of video games that has yet to change, When It's Hard to Count Past Three. In this show we look at all those games that got up to a...

December 01, 2005 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #7: Dead or Alive
Episode #7 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...