April 2007

April 29, 2007 Review - WonderSwan
Review: Judgement Silversword
Even if it wasn't a fan-made shooter Judgement Silversword would still be a solid game (even with the spelling error). This is an homage to Treasure's classic Saturn shooter, Radiant Silvergun. And ...

April 29, 2007 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Battle Lode Runner
Even if you're one of those people who have completely written off the Lode Runner series, Battle Lode Runner may make you a believer. Combine all of the puzzle solving of the original Lode Runner wi...

April 29, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #55 - These weekends just keep coming, apparently there's nothing I can do about it. For those who haven't been paying attention, this is the first weekend since I had my birthday, and let me tell you I am...

April 28, 2007 Review - TurboDuo
Review: World Sports Competition
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: The Olympics suck! I'm not just talking about the games based on the Olympics, I'm talking about the event itself. It's full of games nobody cares...

April 28, 2007 Review - WonderSwan
Review: Pocket Fighter
Although Capcom can't count past three, that hasn't stopped the mighty company from using their Street Fighter characters in all sorts of weird ways. One of the strangest Street Fighter spin-offs has...

April 27, 2007 Reviews Au Courant
Review: The Godfather: Blackhand Edition
How many times must we play through The Godfather?? This is our fourth time through EA's crime simulator and it's not getting any better. The good news is that this is still a solid action...

April 26, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - April 26, 2007
Episode #7 - As you know we spend every Thursday doing the same thing, covering the best and worst of this week's retro releases. This particular Thursday has a different meaning; it's my birthday today and I spe...

April 25, 2007 Reviews Au Courant
Review: God of War II
Some call it the last good game for the PlayStation 2, but anybody that has played it already knows it as one of the greatest games of all time. It's God of War II, the brutally violent action game t...

April 24, 2007 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Burnout Dominator
Who needs a crash mode when your races are this exciting? This is Burnout Dominator, the quasi-sequel to Burnout Legend. If you're a fan of balls to the wall racing with a great deal of variety...

April 23, 2007 DGC On Demand
After Thoughts: Resident Evil
Episode #13 - DGC On Demand (Ep. 13) - It's been two months since we've checked in with Jake and his always funny clips from other websites. Apparently things haven't improved for our favorite dead superstar, beca...

April 22, 2007 Review - N-Gage
Review: The King of Fighters Extreme
Who knew the N-Gage could play a mean game of street fighting? Apparently Hudson did, because here's The King of Fighters Extreme, one of the best 2D fighting games ever released on a 32-bit col...

April 22, 2007 Review - NGPC
Review: Evolution: Eternal Dungeons
What is this, our fourth Evolution review on Defunct Games? For a franchise that nobody cares about how many games could they have possibly made? Thankfully this Neo Geo Pocket Color game ...

April 22, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #54 - Sick of all these weekdays? That's good news, because we're smack dab in the middle of a stellar weekend. This is the kind of weekend I like, because today we're going to introduce a brand new ...

April 21, 2007 Review - N-Gage
Review: Sonic N
Talk about a slut, Sonic the Hedgehog has been on more game players than Paris Hilton! But let's not dwell on what he might have contracted from the Neo Geo Pocket Color and GameCube. Instead we sho...

April 21, 2007 Review - N-Gage
Review: Glimmerati
While it's easy to make fun of most Nokia N-Gage games, Gilmmerati is one of the few that is actually worth your time. It's a pseudo-3D racing game that is full of hilarious voice acting and one craz...

April 20, 2007 Bonus Levels
FAQ: Cyril Explains it All! Part 2
Episode #68 - Once upon a time Defunct Games ran a story that answered some of the most important questions plaguing the video game industry. Three years later we have decided to do it again with the sequel you've...

April 19, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - April 19, 2007
Episode #6 - Oh crap, it's Thursday already? Well dang, it looks like I need to throw together another episode of This Week In Defunct Games! In this episode we take a look at both the Virtual Console and t...

April 18, 2007 I've Got Your Number
Jumping Straight to the X
Episode #10 - I've Got Your Number (Ep. 10) - Even though everybody talks about making a trilogy, if you really pressed most game developers they would tell you that they wouldn't mind their big franchise spilling ...

April 16, 2007 DGC On Demand
The Best Damn Commercial Show Period 2
Episode #12 - DGC On Demand (Ep. 12) - Some may argue that we've run out of ideas and just need some filler, others may think that we put it on auto pilot and are taking a vacation. Whatever you think Defunct Game...

April 15, 2007 Review - Lynx
Review: Xybots
First-person shooters just aren't meant to be played on the portable game systems, but that's not going to stop people from trying. This is Xybots, an Atari Lynx game that tries really hard to duplic...

April 15, 2007 Review - Lynx
Review: Pinball Jam
Okay, I know, a pinball game for the Lynx doesn't sound very exciting. But believe it or not this game is actually a lot of fun. Maybe it's not the kind of fun where you would rush out and buy the L...

April 15, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #53 - What a crazy week it's been, so thank goodness we can sit back and relax with four classic reviews brought to you from our Defunct Games staff. We have a lot of good stuff for you this weekend, inclu...

April 14, 2007 Review - NGPC
Review: Faselei!
Out of all of the amazing games available for the Neo Geo Pocket Color, Faselei! is one of the best. It's a tactical role-playing game that may not look like much, but has some of the deepest game pl...

April 14, 2007 Review - Lynx
Review: Toki
Believe it or not, Toki was a huge hit in Japan. Unfortunately the game did very little business in the U.S., which makes this Lynx port all the more interesting. Toki is one of the few non-Atari ga...

April 13, 2007 Bonus Levels
The Year of the Defunct Game
Episode #67 - In case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of really big games coming out this year. But this year isn't only about the Grand Theft Autos and the Halos; it's also about the return of some long forg...

April 12, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - April 12, 2007
Episode #5 - It's the second Thursday in April and that can only mean one thing: we're back with another look at This Week In Defunct Games! This week is full of terrible Virtual Console games, including Alex Kid...

April 11, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Acclaim Remote for NES - Advertisement Review
Episode #141 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Acclaim Remote (NES)
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advertise...

April 11, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Ascii Game Boy Accessories - Advertisement Review
Episode #142 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Ascii Game Boy Accessories
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game a...

April 11, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Marvel Land on Genesis - Advertisement Review
Episode #143 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Marvel Land (Genesis)
print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic game advert...

April 11, 2007 Bad Advertisement
Gain Ground on Genesis - Advertisement Review
Episode #144 - Cyril Lachel tries to find something good to say about the
Gain Ground (Genesis)
promotion print ad. Trust me, it's bad. It's a horrible, awful, very bad ad. See what you think of this classic g...

April 11, 2007 Commercial Break
Thank God You're Bad Advertising
Episode #36 - Commercial Break (Ep. 36) - It's been weeks since we've visited our museum of bad advertising, but don't take that to mean that we've forgotten about everybody's favorite Defunct Games show. We've be...

April 10, 2007 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Virtua Tennis 3
In a world of yearly sports installments it's refreshing to see something like Virtua Tennis, a series that only comes out every few years. This is Virtua Tennis 3, the first installment on a next ge...

April 09, 2007 Radio Free Gaming
Somebody Else's Podcast! Vol. 5
Episode #11 - Radio Free Gaming (Ep. 11) - In our fifth episode we have yet another packed show full of a lot of good and a lot of bad. In this episode we learn that the EGM Live crew might just be racist, that th...

April 08, 2007 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: Dodopachi
If you couldn't tell by the name, Dodopachi is the sequel to Donpachi, the 2D shooter for the Sega Saturn. Dodopachi brings back everything you loved about the first game and fixes all the stuff you ...

April 08, 2007 Review - Master System
Review: Ghost House
Who you gonna call? Considering that Ghost House came out in 1986 you would think that they would get the Ghostbusters on the case, but apparently they were too expensive. Instead we get some k...

April 08, 2007 Weekend Update
Weekend Update
Episode #52 - We have a crazy group of reviews lined up for you this weekend, including a couple of Saturn games, something for the Master System and a crazy sports game for the TurboDuo! On Saturday we check in w...

April 07, 2007 Review - TurboDuo
Review: Ballistix
Old school "sports" games are a hit and miss kind of thing. You have really solid sports games like Tecmo Bowl followed by a ton of crap like Soccer on the NES. But Ballistix is different; it combin...

April 07, 2007 Review - Sega Saturn
Review: Donpachi
Considering how many great 2D shooters were released on the Genesis and Dreamcast you would think that the Saturn would be overflowing with entries in the much-loved genre. But that just wasn't the c...

April 06, 2007 I've Got Your Number
Nine Lives and the Video Game Industry
Episode #9 - I've Got Your Number (Ep. 9) - While some may complain about the way women and minorities are treated in popular video games, I'm here to tell you that there's another group that is being persecuted. ...

April 06, 2007 Reviews Au Courant
Review: After Burner: Black Falcon
It's one of Sega's oldest arcade games, a franchise that seemed dead and forgotten just a few years ago. It's After Burner, the classic airplane shooter that reinvented the arcade air combat genre. ...

April 05, 2007 This Week In Defunct Games
This Week In Defunct Games - April 5, 2007
Episode #4 - It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing, Survivor is on. Okay, I guess it can mean two things, because it's time for yet another retro round-up. This week we bring back the audio podcast and ...

April 05, 2007 Reviews Au Courant
Review: SSX Blur
When the PlayStation 2 first hit store shelves back in 2000 there was only one game you absolutely had to buy, and that was SSX. Since then the series has only gotten better, with open-world environm...

April 04, 2007 On Running Feuds
Devil May Cry Fans Are Idiots
Episode #125 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 125) - Usually Defunct Games likes to stick up for the little guy, but sometimes you just have to give them some tough love. So is the case with the idiots working on the Devil ...

April 03, 2007 Recapped!!!
Defunct Games RECAPPED!! March 2007 Edition
Episode #21 - You just got back from reserving your Xbox 360 Elite, you finally got over mourning the not quite dead yet Sinbad, and you're all excited about the Sony PlayStation Home. It sounds like you just bare...

April 02, 2007 Bonus Levels
April Fools: Defunct Games' Retro Design!
Episode #66 - In case you don't know, yesterday was the first day of April ... or April Fool's Day as some of us in the business like to call it. That meant that we had to come up with something fresh, funny and c...

April 02, 2007 Reviews Au Courant
Review: Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
It's been a year since Jax & Daxter hit the small screen and now Sony is back with another hot 3D platformer, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters. This is yet another excellent game for Sony's PSP, a syste...

April 01, 2007 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
Hardcore Gamer Magazine #20: Retro A GoGo
Episode #20 - Defunct Games is proud to present a brand new issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine, available now for download. This full-color issue comes with news, reviews, previews and a look at international games y...