December 2011

December 25, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Street Fighter II: M. Bison Must Die!
Episode #32 - 32 Endings (Ep. 32) - It's the final day of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas. We've finally made it to Christmas Day and boy do we have a fun episode for you. Today we're looking at one of the most ...

December 24, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
The Matrix: The Alternate Path of Neo
Episode #31 - 32 Endings (Ep. 31) - It's the second to last day in our month-long adventure through the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! We're almost done. Today we're looking at one of the strangest endings of all ...

December 23, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Batman: The Dark Knight Tosses
Episode #30 - 32 Endings (Ep. 30) - It's the 30th day on our trek through the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! With the recent success of Akrham City and the hype surrounding The Dark Knight Rises, Batman couldn't be...

December 23, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - Dec. 23, 2011
Episode #182 - If it's Friday, it's This Week in Defunct Games! Today we're looking at a couple familiar names for two different consoles. Unfortunately, only one of them is the game you know and love. Up first i...

December 22, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
God of War: The Fall of Kratos
Episode #29 - 32 Endings (Ep. 29) - It's the 29th day of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas. We're so close to the finish line. Today we're taking an excessive look at God of War for the PlayStation 2. Developed b...

December 21, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Streets of Rage: Meet the New Boss
Episode #28 - 32 Endings (Ep. 28) - We're up the 28th day in our 32 Game Endings of Christmas. Today we're looking at another alternate finale, the so-called "bad ending" of Sega's Streets of Rage. While it may n...

December 20, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Halo 2: Let's Not Finish the Fight
Episode #27 - 32 Endings (Ep. 27) - It's the 27th day in our month-long look at the 32 Game Endings of Christmas. With less than a week to go, we're finally digging into some of the best endings of all time. Sadl...

December 19, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
The Goonies II: Konami Takes Credit
Episode #26 - 32 Endings (Ep. 26) - It's the 26th day on our 32 Game Endings of Christmas adventure. Up next we have The Goonies II, the confusing second chapter for Mikey and the gang. Here you have to use your ...

December 19, 2011 Reviews au Courant
Review: Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi is an incredible looking game that is marred by one of the worst fighting engines I've ever seen. If you're a fan of lengthy (and unskippable) conversations, fights ...

December 18, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Dead or Alive 4: A Touchy-Feely Ending
Episode #25 - 32 Endings (Ep. 25) - It's the 25th day on our journey through the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! So far we've covered a couple of sexy game endings, but none are like this. Just imagine the perverte...

December 17, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Super Mario Bros. 2: Waking Life
Episode #24 - 32 Endings (Ep. 24) - It's the 24th episode of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas. Today we're taking a look at one of the most controversial sequels of all time: Super Mario Bros. 2. Mario, the Princ...

December 16, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
The 11th Hour: The Taste of Love
Episode #23 - 32 Endings (Ep. 23) - It's the 23rd day on our 32 Game Endings of Christmas, which means we're in the home stretch. There are less than ten episodes left until the big Christmas Day finale! Today we...

December 16, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - Dec. 16, 2011
Episode #181 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we only have one game to look at. Things are slowing down as we near Christmas. Nevertheless, we're here to review Blaster Master: Enemy Be...

December 15, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Mortal Kombat Sub Zero: Brrrrrr!
Episode #22 - 32 Endings (Ep. 22) - It's the 22nd day in our list of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! After riding a wave of success, Midway was compelled to do everything in its power to slow down Mortal Kombat'...

December 14, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Dracula X: Burning Down the House
Episode #21 - 32 Endings (Ep. 21) - It's the 21st day in our month-long look at the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! Today we're looking at one of Konami's hidden gems. Dracula X: Rondo of Blood originally didn't ge...

December 13, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Crisis Core: There Will Be Blood
Episode #20 - 32 Endings (Ep. 20) - It's day twenty on our slog through the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! Do you like cores? Are you into Final Fantasy? What about crisis? Even if you said no to ...

December 12, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Dragon's Lair: Love Conquers All
Episode #19 - 32 Endings (Ep. 19) - It's the nineteenth day on our trip through the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! Today we're checking out Dragon's Lair, the very first laserdisc game. This interactive cartoon wa...

December 11, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Tetris: This Game Has An Ending?
Episode #18 - 32 Endings (Ep. 18) - Is it already the eighteenth day in our month-long 32 Game Endings of Christmas! Today we're going handheld. That's right; we're taking a look at one of the best portable games...

December 10, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Ghosts 'n Goblins: Capcom Trolls Gamers
Episode #17 - 32 Endings (Ep. 17) - It's the seventeenth day in our month-long look at the 32 Game Endings of Christmas. It's usually here where things start to break down. But that's not the case this year, than...

December 09, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Metroid: Samus is Full of Surprises!
Episode #16 - 32 Endings (Ep. 16) - It's the sixteenth day of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! That means we're exactly half way through this laborious piece of garbage ... er, I mean amazing holiday celebration....

December 09, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - Dec. 9, 2011
Episode #180 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! Apparently Nintendo was too busy launching their new firmware, because the Virtual Console got a week off. Thankfully Sony still has the hits coming, ...

December 08, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Metal Gear Solid: SNAAAAAAAAAAKE!?!?
Episode #15 - 32 Endings (Ep. 15) - It's the fifteenth day in our month-long trek through the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! Are you one of those people who have been emailing me demanding longer end cinemas? ...

December 07, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
The Beatles Rock Band: The End
Episode #14 - 32 Endings (Ep. 14) - We're fourteen days into the 32 Game Endings of Christmas. Are you ready for something completely different? For today's episode we are taking a trip all the way back to ....

December 06, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Sonic CD: Once More With Feeling
Episode #13 - 32 Endings (Ep. 13) - We're thirteen days into the 32 Game Endings of Christmas and boy do I have a treat for you today. After watching a bunch of boring endings full of text and pixels, today we're ...

December 05, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Contra III: Jimbo & Sully vs. Evil
Episode #12 - 32 Endings (Ep. 12) - It's day twelve in our 32 Game Endings of Christmas celebration. Up next we have one of Konami's biggest sequels, the action-packed Contra III: The Alien Wars. Watch as trained...

December 04, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
J.J. & Jeff: Wait ... WHAT?!?
Episode #11 - 32 Endings (Ep. 11) - For the eleventh day of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas we've decided to shake things up a bit. For the past week and a half we've looked at normal games with traditional endin...

December 03, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Bad Dudes: Hamburgers on Ronnie
Episode #10 - 32 Endings (Ep. 10) - It's day 10 of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas and that can only mean one thing, it's time for Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja! Generally speaking, the stakes aren't real high in mo...

December 02, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Bionic Commando: Down Goes Hitler
Episode #9 - 32 Endings (Ep. 9) - It'd day nine of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! Even by the late-1980s, most of the action game fundamentals were set in stone. We knew that every level would advance in orde...

December 02, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - Dec. 2, 2011
Episode #179 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! Now that we've caught up with both the 3DS Virtual Console and the PSone Classics, it's time to get to this week's retro releases. Up first we have Ad...

December 01, 2011 32 Game Endings of Christmas
Flashback: The Quest for Closure
Episode #8 - 32 Endings (Ep. 8) - It'd day eight of the 32 Game Endings of Christmas! The spiritual successor to Out of this World, Flashback: Quest for Identity still remains a science fiction masterpiece. Delp...

December 01, 2011 This Week in Defunct Games
Last Week in Defunct Games - PSone Catch-Up
Episode #178 - Between the holiday festivities and a never-ending barrage of new games to play, I haven't had much of a chance to check in with November's retro releases. Yesterday I caught up on the 3DS Virtual Co...