January 2013

January 31, 2013 DGC On Demand
Introducing: Insert Coin!
Episode #28 - Ladies and gentlemen, I give you INSERT COIN, a brand new video series running every Thursday. Join Robert Johnson as he explores every side of the arcade scene with his insightful video essays. But...

January 28, 2013 Reviews au Courant
Review: Orgarhythm
Orgarhythm is overflowing with interesting ideas that never quite come together. It's a real-time strategy game that steals mechanics from the rhythm genre. Too bad the gameplay is busted and the si...

January 25, 2013 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - January 25, 2013
Episode #217 - If it's Friday, it's This Week in Defunct Games! This week we're digging into our very first Wii U Virtual Console game. Prepare to be disappointed. The good news is that we have the debut of Contr...

January 24, 2013 Nintendo Power Uncovered
Nintendo Power #21: February 1991 - Star Tropics
Episode #21 - Nintendo Power Uncovered #21 - Nintendo warms things up with a very colorful (and mysterious) issue featuring Star Tropics. The good news is that this is a cover worth studying; it's full of all sort...

January 22, 2013 DGC On Demand
Introducing: Great Moments in Bad Acting!
Episode #27 - Starting February 4, 2013, Defunct Games will introduce GREAT MOMENTS IN BAD ACTING. It's a weekly show looking at some of the worst voice acting ever committed to disc. We're starting with Last Ale...

January 21, 2013 Reviews au Courant
Review: We Are Cubes
We Are Cubes is an intoxicating new action game that combines the best elements from Tempest and Buster Bros. While it initially left me cold, this Xbox Live Indie Game won me over with its unique vo...

January 21, 2013 On Running Feuds
The Case Against the Case Against DmC
Episode #189 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 189) - In the first Feud of the year, Cyril takes on the games press that chooses to give Devil May Cry haters a platform. It's time to stop the madness and choose not to placat...

January 18, 2013 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - January 18, 2013
Episode #216 - If it's Friday, it's This Week in Defunct Games! Three weeks into the new year, Nintendo has decided to finally release a new 3DS Virtual Console game. The good news is that it's a Game Boy game sta...

January 16, 2013 Reviews au Courant
Review: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
Django Unchained certainly got me in the mood for Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. This bizarre action game stars a strange gunman on a quest to earn money by turning in bounties. Even with a few outdate...

January 15, 2013 Nintendo Power Uncovered
Nintendo Power #20: January 1991 - Mega Man III
Episode #20 - Nintendo Power Uncovered (Issue 20): After getting the Mega Man II cover absolutely perfect, is Nintendo Power up to the challenge of Mega Man III? Apparently not, as this is one of the magazine...

January 14, 2013 Reviews au Courant
Review: Knytt Underground
Knytt Underground is sure to be one of the most controversial games of the year. It's daring in all the right ways, poking at hot topics and digging into the origins of religion. Even if you ignore ...

January 11, 2013 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - January 11, 2013
Episode #215 - If it's Friday it's This Week in Defunct Games! It probably shouldn't surprise anybody that 2013's first Virtual Console game comes from SNK. After all, this 16 of last year's 25 releases were origi...

January 10, 2013 Nintendo Power Uncovered
Nintendo Power Strategy Guide #4: 4-Player Extra
Episode #19 - Nintendo Power Uncovered (Issue #19) - It's the issue that killed the Nintendo Power Strategy Guide series. With a flimsy theme and no direction, this could have been a jump the shark moment for Nint...

January 10, 2013 Reviews au Courant
Review: Arcade of Neon
Arcade of Neon may look like Geometry Wars, but it offers a set of unique modes. Even with the simple graphics and obnoxious music, Arcade of Neon has enough fun game types to warrant the one dollar ...

January 08, 2013 Nintendo Power Uncovered
Nintendo Power #18: November/December 1990 - Dr. Mario
Episode #18 - Nintendo Power Uncovered (Issue #18) - My journey to review every single Nintendo Power magazine cover is back on track. Today we're looking at Dr. Mario. Is it one of Nintendo's classic puzzle game...

January 07, 2013 Reviews au Courant
Review: Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed III may not be the sequel I hoped for, but it remains another solid entry in the time-bending franchise. The setting is a lot of fun to explore and the first half really works on a s...

January 07, 2013 DGC On Demand
The Top 25 Virtual Console Games of 2012
Episode #26 - It's the Top 25 Virtual Console Games of 2012! So what was the best Virtual Console release of 2012? Was it one of SNK's many fighting games, Capcom's lone Mega Man release or the silky smooth ...

January 01, 2013 Cover Critic
Pocket Tennis: Pocket Sports Series by SNK - Cover Review
Episode #14 - ...

January 01, 2013 Cover Critic
The Adventures of Bayou Billy by Konami - Cover Review
Episode #34 - ...